Financial Notes
THERE has been a slight slackening of dealings in the Stock Markets previous to the Easter holidays, but in most depart- ments the tone has kept very good, and especially so in the gilt-edged section. A small shipment of gold from the United States to this country apparently inspired hopes of more coming, and an easing of discount rates in Lombard Street has not been without its effect upon the 'market for high-class investment seeurities. It is, however, I think, a little premature- to assume that much gold will come here from the United States, and in the absence of additions 'to our gold stock, comparative steadiness rather than any important drop in money rates seems likely at the moment. Meanwhile, there has been no slackening at all in the activity in new capital issues, and most of them have met with a good response. A Fiji Loan for £760,000, although yielding slightly under 5 per cent., was quickly subscribed for, and a feature has been the readiness with which the public has taken Mortgage Bonds of certain foreign banks, the bonds being raised against mortgage loans in the respective countries.
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