This has been a busy week ; the settlement of the Consol Account for May. and the Foreign Account for the latter half of the month, have both occurred since our last. The pressure for money has been very great, and unusual rates of interest have been given on loans both on English and Foreign Stocks. On Consols and English Stock, 5 per cent, has been the highest rate of interest ; but the speculators in Spanish and Portuguese Stocks have been compelled to pay interest after the rate of from 10 to 20 per cent. per annum to carry over their accounts. T1 -ime allowed for the holders of 4 per Cents. 1826, to ex- press their dissent to the proposed reduction, expired on Wednesday ; when it transpired that the holders of 3,900,000 Stock had refused to secede to the terms proposed, and will therefore have to be paid off. It is not at present known what course the Chancellor of the Exchequer will adopt in order to the reimbursement of the Stockholders alluded to; but it does not seem to be the general opinion that the advance of money thus required will materially em- barrass the Minister. The change now going on in the Cabinet has not been without its effect in the Money Market ; but the depression which it occasioned was only temporary. Consols have been as low as 92 for Money; and close th's afternoon at 92h h, for Money, and 92A for the July Account.
In the Foreign Market, the business has been principally confined to Spanish and Portuguese Bonds; both of which were depressed by the probability that aa entire change of Ministry might arise from the present modification of th:
Cabinet; but as soon as it beeline known how the affair really stood, a rally took place, and both of these Securities have recovered their former prices. The Cortes lion& have even risen higher than they have been since the year 18i2: the lowest quotation of the week for these securities was 34, and to-day the price has been as high as 3-41. The Regency Bonds have been at 8% an,l since at 781 ; and close this afternoon at ifq 1. The Dutch A and 5 per Cents. have been rather in request ; the yruntities which formerly overloaded the market appear to have been absorbed, and smite difficulty occurred during the week in meeting the de- vianti for the 5 per Cents., till a supply by yesterday's mail arrived from Holland. The Continental Stocks generally are nearly at last week's prices ; the reduction of the 4 per Cents. seems to have increased the desire of the public to profit by this species of investment.
We have little to notice this morning ; the prices of the Funds generally are nearly as yesterday. The Spanish and Portuguese Stocks are, however, rather firmer. The arrangement of the Ministry seems to have disappointed every one, but as yet has not been the cause of any speculation in the Market.
COIDION for Account are at 921 buyers. India Stock has heen done at :no. In the Foreign Market, the Portuguese Bonds have been in demand ; a report being current that Don NI t“ UEI. had evacuated Santarem. The price of these Seem dies has been as high as 80, but is now 791 k. Spanish Stock is still a favourite object of speculation, and the nice is :NI 1,.
Ditto for Amount 99 / e French 3 per Cents -- Bank Stork . 215s I411 Slexiean 6 per Cents 431- 41 India Stock for Account 9694 970 Portuguese 5 per Cents.
F.schequer Rills Do Itt„ nes. Scrip5 perCent. 791 4
Belgian 5 per Cents. ...... . Ws Prussian, 11418, 5 per Cent... — Brazilian 5 Imo' Cents 753 6 Russian, 1899, 5 per Cent .. Mit Danish 3 per Cents. 741 51 Spanish, 1391,5 per Cent.... 381 1
50 51 79.r i