The Session Of The Two French Chambers Was Closed On
Saturs day, by a Royal ordinance. On Sunday, the Moniteur published two other official documents, by the first of which the Chamber of Deputies was dissolved, and by the second......
The Belgian Chambers Have Unanimously Voted An Address Of...
to the King and Queen on the death of their infant son. There is a great deal said and written in Brussels about the King nominating a successor, in the event of his dying......
The Ratification Of The Quadruple Treaty Has Been...
Lisbon. There is no later information front Portugal, as to mili- tary affairs, than we gave last week.......
A Report Was In Circulation At The Beginning Of The
week, that the Viceroy of Egypt had been assassinated ; but it has not been confirmed, and is discredited.......
The King Of Naples Has Projected A Convenient Mode Of
reliev- ing his treasury from embarrassment. He proposes to sell a part of the property of the regular clergy,—equally disregarding the vested rights of individuals and the......
Mantel An Promerino In Pediment.
1. IRISH CHURCH REFORM. There was an unusually large attendance of Members of the House of Commons on Tuesday evening, when Mr. WARD brought forward bis motion on the subject of......
The Decree For The Convocation Of The Cortes Has...
the government of MARTINEZ DE LA ROSA, and diffused almost general satisfaction among Spanish Liberals, who begin to give the Minister credit for honesty and prudence. The......