31 MAY 1834, Page 6


The races commenced on Tuesday. The course has been much improved since last year-the principal alteration being in the Derby Course, commencing at the barn, where it takes a much wider sweep than formerly. The dangerous turn at Tattenham Corner is thus en. tirely done away with. Five hundred guineas have been Oven for the collection on the ground this year. The attendance on Tuesday was good for a first day. Among the distinguished persons present, were the Duke of Rutland, Marquis Conyngharo, Marquis Graham, Earl and Countess of Wilton, Earl of Jersey, Earl and Countess of Chester. field, Earl of Uxbridge, Count Matuschewitz, Earl of March, Sit Mark Wood, Mr. Berkeley Craven, Colonel Peel, Mr. Holyoake Goodricke, Mr. F. Charlton, Mr. Spalding, Mr. Stonehewer, Mr. Delme Radcliffe, and Mr. S. Stanley. The racing commenced at one o'clock, and continued till half-past five ; the weather being very fine all day. The following is an account of the running.

Mr. W. Edward's Intriguer Mr. Cosbv's Stradbally Mr. Mills's Pincher Mr. 13alehin's hr. f. Levity Duke of Richmond s ch

Betting-II to 8 against Stradbally ; 3 to 1 against Intriguer (taken); and 7 to against Pincher. Levity mule play at moderate speed ; Strain-tally nearly abreast of her till round the turn, alien he came iii kola, carried on the running at an improved pace, disposed of Stradbally without difficulty, and won cleverly by a length. SWEEPSTAKES of 30 sovereigns each, h. ft. for two years old colts, fist. 31b. and fillies, fist

bred in Sorry, Middlesex, Kent, Berks, Hants, or Sussex, or trained at Epsom during the last three months. Half a mile. 6 Subscribers.

Lord Egreinont's b. f. Redleg 1 Mr. Rieardo's b. f. Bracelet 2 Mr. ii. Coombes's f. by Langer 3 Mr. Marlin's b. e. by Manseluke 4

Betting-Even on Redleg, and 2 to I against Bracelet. Reilleg made all the rennin:. was never headed, and won easy by half a length.

THE EPSOR STAKES of 3 sovereigns each, and 40 added ; three years, 7st.; four years. 8st. 71b. ; five years. Oat. 11b.; six years, and aged, Oat. 31b. The winner to be sold for 150. 8m. Mile heats. 5 subtrribers.

Mr. Forth's b. h. Gratis, 5 years 2 0 1 51r. Edwards's b. g. Crocodile, 4 years 1 0 dr. Mr. Sadkr's b. m. Eleanor, 5 years 0 3 dr. Mr. Pearce 's b. m. Grasshopper. 6 years 0 4 dr. Mr. Cousin's b. c. by St. Patrick, 3 years 3 0 dr. First Heat-5 to 4 against Eleanor. Won by three parts of a length. Second Heat- Even on Crocodile. A severe race between him and Gratis, terminated in a dead heat, Mr. Edwards and Mr. Forth then agreed to divide the Stakes, and Gratiscantered over

On Wednesday, the company was more numerous, but less fashion- able as the celebration of the King's birthday kept many persons of rank in town. The running on the whole was good.

THE COMMITTEE'S Girl. of 100 sovereigns, added to a Sweepstakes of 20 sovereigns each for 3 aud 4 years old, bond fide the properly of Subscribers to the Derby, Oaks. Shirley. or Woodeot Stakes of 1834,or of the owner of two colts in the Derby, or two fillies in the Oaks, 1834. or of one in each ; 3 years, 7st.; 4 years, 8st. 61b.; fillies and geldings allowed 31b. WitHICIS of 1834 to carry for once 31b. and for twice 51b. extra. raven Course. 6 Subscribers.

Mr. Forth's b. f. sister to Imbar„ 3 years 1 Mr. Shard's b. f Zitella, 3 years 2 Mr. Etwall's b. f Maid of Umlerley, 3 years 3 Mr. Yates's b. c. Ice, 3 years 4 Sir G. Ileatheote's b. f. Carnation. 4 years 5 Mr. Balchin s b. I. Levity, 3 years 6

Betting-6 to 4 against Ice; 7 to 2 against Maid of Cuderley (taken); 4 to 1 against sister to I mbar ; 5 to 1 against Zitella; 8 to 1 against I.evity; and 8 to 1 against Carnation. mice and Zitella made alternate running till round the Tattenham Corner, where sister to unbar went in front. WHS never caught, and won cleverly by a length ; all behind Zitella were beaten off. 51r. Richardson's filly, by Young Phan- tom, was named for this Stake, but disqualified in consequence of the nomination not coming within the provisions of the race. The pace was severe. THE WOODCOT STAKES Of 30 sovereigns each, h. ft. for 2 years oil colts, est. 611..; and fillies. 8st. 311,. Half a mile. 3 Subscribers,

Mr. Ricardo's f. by Mameluke 1 Mr. Grant's b. L by Tramp 2

THE caavesi STAKES of 10 sovereigns each for three years old, fist.: four years, 8st.; five years, 8st. 91b.; six years, eat. 21b. ; and aged, 9st. 51b. Mile and a quarter, 8 Subscribers.

Lord Chesterfield's b. h. Colwick, 6 years 1 Colonel l'eel's b. h. Clarion, 6 years 2 The following also started, but were not slaced ;-Mr. Watt's ch. c. Belshazzar, 4 years ; Captain Gardnor's b. h. Messenger, 5 years; Sir G. Ileatheote's ch. c. Samar- rand, 4 years ; Sir i. Glyn's tog. by Blackleek, 3 years: Mr. MilLs's b. C. Old 11111,3 years ; Mr. Grant's b. c. Unicorn. 3 years.

Betting-11 to 8 against Belshazzar ; 5 to 1 against Colwick ; 6 to 1 against Clarion; 7 to I against Messenger ; 8 to 1 against Sionarcand ; and 8 to 1 against Old Bill. Belshazzar took the lead at a strong pace ; Messenger, Samarcaml, and Clarion lying next to him, and Colwiek in the rear ; there was not any material change of position till they were round Tattenham Corner. where Cola ick joined the front ranks; the Worth- less gelding taking upon himself the duty of xhipper.in. At the distance post, Bel- shazzar declined, his place in the van being immediately occupied by Colviick, who, maintaining it lo the finish, won cleverly by two lengths; Clarion, second, Messenger and Belshazzar a couple of lengths astern of him (each claiming the third place). Samareand filth, Unicorn sixth, um Bin seventh, and Worthies, last. it mill be recol- lected that Colwiek. Clarion. and Belshazzar, ran for the Craven Saks at Newmarket, and that they came in precisely as above. There was this difference, however, in the manner of running, that the Newmarket Craven was slow, and won by a head, while its namesake at Ersem was very fast, and won in a canter. Its result drove Bubastes back in the Derby betting.

PRODUCE SWEEPSTAKES of 100 sovereigns each, h. ft. Derby Course. Three Sob- scribers. Mr. Theobald's b. f. by Mameluke, 8st. ills 1

Sir G. IL•allicote's f. by Figaro, 8st. llb 2 Even betting. The Canopy filly made running to the Grand Stand, tired, and was beaten in a canter by two lengths. Match, 100 sovereigns each,11. ft. ; 85t. 41b. each. A mile. Lord stradbroke's b. f. by PartiSau 1

Mr. Th,ohald's br. f. Stockwell Lisa 2

Betting-5 h, 2 on Stockwell Las. The Sultana tilly made all the running, ass uevor headed, and mon cleverly by half a length.

THE SHIRLEY STAKES of 25 sovereiguseach, fur three years out colts, fist. 71b., and fillies. Sst. 411). One Mile. 6 Subscribers.

1 2 4 5

Betting-5 to 2 on Valentine. A short, quickly-run, well-conteshal race, and won by half a leugth. The winner was traiued at Epsom by George Dockery. and was named by the Epsom Race Committee. The Earl of Egremont's Redleg, winner of the 2 years old stakes on Tuesday paid fcrfeit. THE CUP STARES Of 10 sovereigns each, with 20 added from the fund ; for 3 years oh!, 68t. 41b.; 4 years, 8st.; 5 years, 8s1.101b.; 6 yea:, 9st.; and aged, 9st. 21b.; mares and geldings allowed 31b. Two miles. A winner (matches excepted) ouce in 1s34, to can!, 31b.; ta ice, 51b.; if more, 71b. extra,. The winner to be sold for 400 so- vereigns. 9 Subscriber'.

Captain Gardner'. Myrrh', 4 years

Mr. Greville's Chantilly, 4 years

Lord Berners's ch. f. by Oscar, 4 years 3 The following also started, but were not placed :-Mr. Wickham's ch. F. by Ranvilles, 8 years ; Duke of Grafton's b. f. Octave, 4 years ; Mr. Mills. Old Bill, 3 yaars ; Lord Conynghana's Minster, S years.

Betting-2 to 1 against Octave ; 7 to 2 against Chantilly ; 5 to 1 against Old III!!: and 6 to 1 against Myrrha. The Rauvilles tIlly made play at starting. 011 Bill and Chantilly waiting on her till they reached the Craven muting post ; here b'L dropked astern, her place in front being taken up by Old Bill, who carried on the running round the corner, where Chantilly headed him, Lord Beruers's filly going by hint a few at :ides farther on. Half way within the distance. Myrrha joitied them, and at the Grand Stand all three were at work ; Myrrha. however, had the best of the set-to, and won by half a length. Minster was beaten off a long way.

Tut elms oast STAKES of 3sovereigns each, and 40 added; 3 years. 7st.; 4 years, 8st. 7114; 5 years, 9st. 1lb.; 6 years. and aged. 9st. 31b. Mares and geldings allowed 31b. The winner to be sold for 120. &c. Mile heat.

Mr. Trelawney's b. c. Laud's End, 4 years


3 1


Mr. G. Edward's ch. h. Ambrosio, 5 years


1 2

2 Captain Berkeley's b. f. Gold Fringe, 3 years 1 2 3 dr.

Mr. Brown's b. h. Fawn, 6 years 3 dr.

First heat, even on Ambrosio. 5 to 4 on him after it ; 3 to I on him after the second beat ; and 3 to I on Land's End after the third heat. Each heat was won cleverly.

The attendance on Thursday, to see the race for the Derby Stakes, was the most numerous and fashionable that has been known at Epsom for many years. In addition to the names already mentioned, there were present-the Prince of Saxe Coburg, Duke de Richelieu, Mr. Charles Laffitte, Duke and Dutchess of Cleveland, Marquis and Mar- chioness of Tavistock, Earl and Countess of 1Vilton, Earl of Albe- marle, Sir James Graham, Sir Charles Manners Sutton, Mr. E. G. Stanley, and the Earl of Mulgmve.

The race commenced at a quarter past three, and the following horses started-

Mr. Batson's Plenipotentiary, by Emilius ; Duke of Cleveland's Shillelagh, by St. Patrick ; Lord Jersey's Glencoe. by Sultan ; Mr. Watt's b. c. Bubastes, by lilacklock ; Sir M. Wood's brother to Marpessa, by Maley; Mr. Yates's ch. c. Bentley, by Buzzard ; Captain Gardnor's br. c. by Whalebone; Duke Rutland's hr. c. by Bizarre, out of Young Barrosa ; Sir G. Heatlicote's b. c. Nisus, by Velocipede; Lord Orford's e. l'aris, by Waterloo; Mr. Greatrex's be. e. by Lottery. out of Trulla ; Mr. Sadler's b. c. Defensive, by Defence ; Mr. Cosby's b. c. Stradbally, by Reveller ; Mr. Houldsworth's b. c. Darius, by Sultan ; Captain Hunter's ch. c Morotto, by Gustavus; Mr. Gully's gr. c. Viator, by Stumps ; Duke of Grafton's ch. c. Olympic, by Reveller; Mr. Mills's brother to Kate, by Lapdog ; Lord Lowther's c. by Reveller, out of Trictrac ; Mr. E. Peel's ch. c. Noodle, by Bedlamite; Mr. W. Edwards's b. c. Intriguer, by Reveller ; Duktiof Cleveland's h. c. J %Indian, by Calton.

The stakes were 50 sovereigns each, h. ft. : colts, 8st. 71b. ; fillies, 8st. 21b. Mile and a half. Second horse to receive 100 guineas, and the winner to pay 100 sovereigns towards the expences of Police-officers. 124 subscribers.

No race since the famous one between Cadland, the Colonel, and ZInganee, has excited so much interest. The

betters from the North backed Bubastes heavily. There were many also who bet on Shille- lagh. Plenipotentiary, Shillelagh, and Glencoe were the chief New- market favourites. Just before the race began, the betting stood as follows.

6 to '2 against Plenipotentiary. 25 to I against Intriguer.

3 to 1 -- Shillelagh (taken). 25 to 1 tklui hr.

7 to I- Bilbastes. 25 to 1 Brother to Marpessa.

10 to 1 Glencoe. 50 to 1 V iator.

H to 1 Comet. GO to 1 Barrosa.

20 to 1 !Janney.

There were five false starts, but at las the horses got off pretty well together. Glencoe tad Plenipo being first off. they rat; together a few yards, w hen Cottony gra- dually stopped his horse till Intriguer, Darius, Paris, brother to Kate. and Strailbally, intervened between him and Glencoe. Shillelagh lay more tbrward than is usual with Chimney, alio had a well-founded dread of Plenipotentiary ; Bubastes was also up with the foremost horses, but never made any slum in front. 111 the above order they went at a good pace till near the rails, where Plenipotentiary was lying inside, the six or seven horses first named beings° placed that he was left only the choice of going round them or waiting till they split ; this opportunity was afforded him betbre In, reached the turn, and he inunediately dashed through the opening, coining round the corner behind Darius, who was next to Intriguer and Glencoe. the two leading horses. here Shill°. ugh and Bentley began to get more forward, and the pace became exceedingly severe. At the road. Darius dropped off. and Plenipotentiary. passing Intriguer. went up to Gleucoe's quarters, ran with him till he found that he was beaten, and Chiracy coming up. went right a-head half way up the distance, and won in a canter by two lengths. Shillelagh defeated Glencoe about half a length, the latter beating Bentley by a length ; Intriguer was fifth, Darius sixth, and behind these were linbastes and Moretti). The first horses beaten were Guardian :tad brother to Martiessa, nor did Barrosa, Paris, Stradbally, Nisus, Trulla, Comet, Noodle. brother to Kate, or Trictrac cut a much better figure at the finish ; Olympic. Viator, and Defensive, were in the middle, but all were beaten off from the first three or four.

The result therefore was the following.

Plenipotentiary 1

Shillelagh 2 Glencoe 3

The others were not placed.

" It is satisfactory to add," saith the Turf historian, " that it was a true-run honest race, that the best horse won, and that the two favourites were first and second. Plenipotentiary was the gentleman's horse,'-that is, he was backed to large amounts by nearly the whole of the noblemen and gentlemen who are in thc habit of attending the Newmarket meetings; and his running proves that he is what Mr. Batson always declared him to be-the finest and best horse that has been seen on the English turf for many years. Mr. Batson wins about 5000/. in addition to the stakes, which amount to 3400/. clear."

Below we give the account of the other races.

Tat E wird. STAXEs of 5 sovereigns each, and 30 added. 3 years, 7st. ; 4 years, est. 51h.; 6 years, and aged, 9st.; winners once, 31b.; twice. 511,. ;:thrice, 71b. extra. Mares and geldings allowed 31b.; horses beaten four times allowed 31b. Half a mile. 5 Sub.

Lord Orford's gr. c. Clearwell, 4 years (Wakefield) 1

Mr. Martin's ch. c. Contriver, 4 years (Mann) 2 Mr. Forth's f. by Partisan, 3 years (Twitellet) 3 Mr. Sadler's b. m. Eleanor, 5 years (Chapple) 4

2 to I and 5 to 2 on Clearwelh who completely outpaced his opponents and won in a

canter by two lengths. illigcrliaitroug. THE SLOWSTAKES of 3 sovereigns each, and 40 sovereigns added. 3 years old, 7st.: 4 An arrangement has been agreed to between the Director-General years old, sat. 7th.; 5 years eld 9st. 111.; 6 years old, and aged. 9s1. 311,. Mares and of the French Post-office and the Duke of Richmond, by which the geldings allowed 31b. The winner to be sold for 1001. am. Heats, rather more than newspapers ththreea er Mr. Forth's 1. by Partisan. 3 years fell France to any part of the Continent, entirely free of postage on both The lad who rode Forth's hilly was thrown a hen near the winning-poet, in consequence sides of the water. French newkcapers sent from France to England, of his stirrup-leather ing way. and much brit'sed ; Vie tIlly came in second, but nut

bringing in her weight, was distanced.

On Friday, the race for the Oaks excited little interest ; but the re- suit was such as to disappoint the knowing gentlemen.

THE OAKS STAKES. of 50 sovereigns each, 11. ft.; for fillies, Ss'. 41b. Milo sad a half. The other conditions the same as for the Derby. 96 Subscribers.

Mr. Cosby's be, f. Pussey, by Patio

Mr. Forth's b. f. Louisa, by Lung waist 2

Mr. W. Richardson's b. f. by Young Phantom 3

The following also started, but were not placed by the judge:-Sir S. Graham's b. f. Zillima. by Sultan ; Mr. Vansittart's hr. f. (slight filly). by lottery; Mr. G resale's t. Pickle, by Emilins; Mr. Sadler's ch. f. Delightful, by Defeuce ; Mr. Walker's b. f. Cotillon, by Partisan ; Lord Bemers's ch. f. May-Day, by Lamplighter ; Mr. Osbal- deston's sister to Benedict ; Mr. Grant's Fiddle-Fiulille, by Whalebone ; 1.00 Strad- broke's b. f. by Partisan; Colonel Peel's Rosalie, by Whaltbone ; Mr. Forth's sister tia ltubar, by Etailius ; Lord Jersey's eh. f. Nell Galin's., by Sultan.

The odds at the breaking up of the ring were 5 to 2 against Cotillon; 7 to against Louisa, and 20 to 1 against Pussey, the winner. A PLATE, of 501.. given by Mr. Denison. M.P. for 1Vest Sorry, 3 years, est. 711w; 4 years, 8st. 1lb.; 5 years, 8st. 71b. ; 6 years, and aged. Sst. 1011,. Mares and geldings allowed 31b. The winner to be sold for 200, Sze. Heats, two miles.

Marquis Conynghant's b. h. Minster, 5 years Mr. Wickham's eh. f. by Ranvilles, 'J years 2 2 Mr. Cousins's Denbies, 4 years 3 Jr. Mr. Harrison's b. h. by Emilia's, 5 years 4 dr.

First heat-2 to I against Rauvilles f.. and 3 to 1 against Minster, who son by a head, after a severe race.

Second heat-2 and 3 to 1 on Minster, who won in a canter.