Amongst the seceders from the GREY Cabinet, Mr. STANLEY enjoys
the highest reputation for conscientious motives as regards the Church. He is said to be religious ; and we have seen a little book ascribed to his pen, bearing the title of Chnecrsations on the Parables q. the New 7'estament, fir the use of Children, in a dialogue between Henry and Mamma. The production is tract-like and childish in its tone,—for spirit it has none ; but it scarcely breathes the resolution of a martyr or the feelings of a devotee. The subjects are confined to the narrated parables ; the acted parable, the expulsion of the money-changers from the Temple, has no place. It was perhaps difficult to handle for childish apprehensions; or an elaborate exposition of the subject might have been unpleasant to a trite son of the Protestant Establishment, whose family possesses patronage to the value of 18,00)1. a year.