The following is a correct report, taken from the Patriot
of the 21st May, of that part of Lord DURHAM'S speech at the Protestant Society's meeting which, we extracted from another paper last week. It will be seen that the passage does riot contain the declaration that lie would always resist the separation of Church and State. Our remarks, therefore, are not applicable to the words which Lord Dritilasi really used. We regret that the correct report of the speech did not fall into our hands.
My honourable friend will admit that I stated frankly and freely to !dm. as I also now state to you, that I could not conscientiously agree to any propositirni which involved in it tie propriety of a soparat ion betwc,ur Church and State. (" Hear, hart'') I will briefly state my reasons. My opinion is, and it is one not lightly formed, which I have expressed in Parliament. and which I shall avow evhentper this question comes Wider discussion in that or ant other place, that a State is bound to tender religions in- struction to all the members of that State. In the present ignorant and uneducated state or tie. great mass of the popuLtion of this country. I consider that it would be most improper to leave them without any religious instruztion at all, and most unwise to leave them to the cauvassing of religious sects," &c.