We publish in another column an appeal from Lord Eversley,
the chairman of the Commons Preservation Society, asking for the help of the readers of the Spectator for that invaluable institution. We have given at length elsewhere our reasons for endorsing Lord Eversley's appeal with all the power at our command, and also for our resolve to appeal ourselves to our readers to get the money so urgently needed by the Society. Everyone who loves England and feels the fascination of the English country, and who is determined to secure the heritage of the landless man in the beauties of his native land, should give according to his means to the fund and become, if possible, an annual subscriber. Cheques should be addressed to the Spectator, 1 Wellington Street, Strand, London, W.C., and made payable to the Spectator and crossed " Barclay and Company, Gosling's Branch, Commons Pre- servation Fund." We have only asked for £1,000, but the Commons Preservation Society could make use of four or five times that amount, if the public would only give its support as generously as it gives its praise.