Church Bells Of England.t This Is One Of A Series
of books on various details of church architecture, edited by Mr. Francis Bond. It will be read • Memories. By Stephen Coleridge. London : John Lane. [7s. 6d.] t Church Bells of......
Mr. Stephen Coleridge's Memories.*
" II/ this book will be found letters and memorials of no one now living: Herein it is old-fashioned, for in these indecorous times . ." Such are the opening - words of Mr.......
Mr. Masefield's New Poem.* This Is The Fourth Long Poem
which Mr. Masefield has published in the last year or two, and to our mind it is far the finest. He began his career by writing ballads and songs. Then he turned to fiction, and......
Mr. Peel On The Tariff Reformers.•
Ma. GEORGE PEEL holds that the year in which the Tariff Reform movement completes its first decade is an opportune occasion for reviewing its chequered history up to the present......