Except for its influences on the excitable population of France,
and in so far as a number of brave countrymen of our own are con- cerned, we regard the "little war" on the Syrian coast as some- thing too ridiculous to feel an interest in. Passing this absurdity, we observe that the combined expedition is represented thus far as not merely successful, but unresisted : the troops of IBRAHIM Pasha, instead of attacking the invaders and driving them back to their ships, were deserting so rapidly as to reduce his army to a skeleton ; and SOLIMAN Pasha, the Governor of Beyrout, was hemmed in by the Allies, without a chance of escape. The position of SOLI MAN. however, is curious; for we find him taking refuge in the place from which he was expelled by the first efforts of the Allies. The attack on Beyrout, anti its results, are not yet intelligibly explained. The fire from the guns of the ships could not have been so destruc- tive as was formerly stated, otherwise Beyrout would not afford much shelter for the retreating Pasha. The long-protracted blockade of Alexandria has at length com- menced. MmtEmEr Au is putting the best face on the matter which circumstances permit, and making vigorous preparations. It seems clear, however,, from the puroort of a despatch from our Foreign Secretary to Lord PONSONBY, which has been published this week, that there is no intention to dispossess MEtirmur of the Pashalic of Egypt. In this despatch the Sultan is recommended to reinstate MEHEMET ALI, and to give him an hereditary tenure of' his Egyptian territories, if he make his submission and restore the fleet. The despatch contains an implied censure of Lord PONSONRY, who counselled the Sultan to depose MEILEN:sr ; and we may gather front it that means wilt be taken to influence the Egyptian to make the required submission. The Powers who are parties to the quadruple treaty would then have the opportunity of .backing out from their engagements with the appearan:e of honour.