31 OCTOBER 1840, page 4

A Fatal Accident Occurred On The Great Western Railway On

Sunday morning, at the Faringdon station, sixty-three miles front Padding- ton. A train, which consisted of the engine and tender, a passengers- truck, and some luggage-trucks,......

The Directers Of The C0111ii:s - Ti It A Circular, From

whiell it apeeers. the: huh) the Beek was indebted to th • ee.".. - •1, have been already peel. ' file period was e 2 ; of wiuii I, ne, see /, actual reduction of li the :nue......


The Parliamentary registrations have commenced, but little is yet known of the results. The Ministerial papers claim to have gained upwards of sixty in Queen's County, and the......

At The Usual Weekly Meeting Of The National Repeal...

in Dublin, on Monday, Mr. O'Connell claimed attention to the great pro- gress which, he alleged, had taken place in Irish manufactures since the commencement of the agitation......