A fatal accident occurred on the Great Western Railway on
Sunday morning, at the Faringdon station, sixty-three miles front Padding- ton. A train, which consisted of the engine and tender, a passengers- truck, and some luggage-trucks, arrived at the station on its way down, about five o'clock. It was observed that the pace of the train was not slnekened as it approached the station ; but it went swiftly past, and dashed against the engine-house. The engine-man and guard were killed on the spot, and four passengers in the truck were more or less injured. The stoker escaped with a few bruises. An inquest was held on the bodies on Monday ; when it was shown in evidence that the train had gone very steadily, and that the engine-man was attentive to his business within a few moments of the accident. The stoker said, the engine-driver was perfectly sober— When within one mile and a half of Faringdon Road, the deceased told hint to put more coke on the tire, which he did; and afterwards directed him to screen the small coke, to be ready to make up the fire again in order to return for the six o'clock train front Reading. This was the last occasion on which the engine-man spoke to him. Ile saw hint afterwards put on the feed to the boiler. He was then standing at his usual place on the footboard, apparently attending to the engine according to custom. On a sudden, be observed that the engine had run by the station, when it came to the turn-table. Ile called to the engine-man, and jemped to the break oil the tender; and in a minute a violent blow was felt, which threw him off the tender on to the South line. He was quite sure that there was nothing the matter with the engine. When he called the engine-man, he received no answer; nor did he shut off the steam. The sole cause of the accident, in his opinion, was from the deceased engine man omitting to shut off the :Actin). lie was well acquainted with the statior, having worked the goods-train there for some months. The engine- man knew his business. Ile only went two joureies without rest. Worked one night, and then went to bed by day. Did not aserve him to be sleepy on the journey down.
Mr. Brunel, the engineer of the road, was at the station when the train came in, and observe,' all the signals to be right. He was asto- nished to find the engine-driver had not turned off the steam, and im- mediately faresaw the consoplettee. The speed of the train at the time was fifteen miles an hour; which is the regular speed of goods- trains on that line.
There seemed to Le no doubt that the accident was solely owing to the engine-man. The inference seems to be, that lie was taken sud- denly ill. The Jury returned a verdiet of " Accidental Death," acquit- ting the Great Western Company of ell eleme.
Two steamers, the Britannia ale; the Phcenix, which rem between London eed Havre, came Imo eel:else in the Channel on Stueley night at eight o'clock, off Duneeness Point. Each vessel was en-
deavouring to avoid the other ; lea, ,i-eilting each other's steering,
this only hastened their fetal meeting. Both vessels were damaged ; but the Phceeix, willeh was the less powerful, had her side stove in,
and immediately began to sink. The crew mid passengers were saved in the boats of the two vessels ; M. Li-fort, the captain of the Pluenix,
being the last to quit. One lady fell into the sea, but a sailor of the Britannia jumped in and sevsel her. The Pleenix sank in thirty-five
fedenns water, and is irreceverably lose Shit; Was IlandSOIllely and ex - perrsively built, t.m:1 the value of her care') is eetimated at 50,0001. Among the passengers on board the Phumix, were Colonel Bullock, his lady, and four dse,.f leer ; and their k 1.,;!i:Ilateaat 500/., including the carriage and heeccege of the gallent Ce! mel and his family. The young Miss lee' nothing on but their el,;ht- elothes, and were removed In a state of great t,:rror and alarm to the Louts of the Phamix and Britannia, and conveyed to the latter vessel. An Englishman, who had come over to this country to receive 350/., which he intended to invest in the French Funds, lost every farthing; and others are considerable sufferers. The carriage and other property of M. Guizot, the French Ambassador, were on board the Phoenix when she went down.
Sir Frederick and Lady Louisa Johnstone were overturned in their carriage on Saturday evening, on their journey to Hampstead Park, Berks, after their marriage in the morning. 'rise bride and bridegroom escaped unhurt, but a female servant in the rumble was a good deal bruised.
Mr. Parkinson of Langley Lodge, Lewisham, fell over the bannister of his staircase on Friday night, as he was going to bed, and received such injury on the head that he died a few hours afterwards.
Seven men were drowned in the river Irwell, near Manchester, on Tuesday morning, in attempting to release a boat which had drifted down the stream and struck against a weir. They had got on the boat, which was loaded with gravel, and had fastened it by a rope to a tree ; but time force of the current broke the rope. They were carried down the weir and thrown into the water, and not one of them could be saved.
On Saturday morning, an explosion of' fire-damp occurred at the Farnacres colliery, near Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; by which five persons lost their lives. A loud explosion was heard to proceed from the pit ; the people rushed to the spot, and shouted to the labourers in the pit, to ascertain what had happened. No answer being received, a stone was thrown down ; when it was discovered that springs had burst into the pit, which was filling rapidly, and that the five pitmen had perished in the waters. On Sunday, the pit, which is twenty fathoms in depth, was completely full.