A Winter in the West Lolies; described in familiar Letters to Henry Clay, of Kentucky. By .losram Jolts GURNEY. rcirrt, and .Th», lii P,Sz:39 ; with Remarks on the Govern- ment of Mehemet Ali, and on the present Prospects of S3ria. By JOHN
The Sieve qf Florence ; an Historical Romance. By DANIEL 3BCARTHY, Esq. In three vols. Robert ..11iwaire in England. By GEORGE W. M. Itr.vsam.ns, Author of " Pickwick Abroad," &c. In three vols.
1-Wou1ship's Offering and Wintir's Wreath ; a Christmas and New Year's Present for l41. This Annual has reached its cilittmenth year, and challenges praise for its in- creased vigour and au infusion of new blood. We have not found much at either of these goad things; but the vdume contains the usual intersprinkling of verse and prose ; aud though! cY011 its best tales rather rigidly obey the second com- mandment, and are not in the likeness of noy thiniii the earth beneath. they are readable, and vleasant for those who are withim,. to be pleased. " The Tomb of S.1°111014 ' liv W. E. TAYLOR, is a story of the days of Cyrus, and displays sonic. Oriental knowledge. `• :Aly Firs: CI icnt.'• by W.11. IlannisoN, Isis its pretty pints. though ar..,uing slen.lcr acquaintance with the usages of lairp..1.e, courts, or clients. " The St mlettts imf Coimbra,- bv the same author, is equally pleasant ; and the scene being laid in Portugal. we do not so well ddect deviations from common life. " The Forester " is al :o an interestinr. annual story. But the most life-like. :Ind file utmost natural picture of character, is ALLAN Cm NN1NGIIA:11.11 narrative of the adventure of a morning, tending to develop ti le views of the Scottish peasantry son .Nlary Queen of Snots. There is the usual quantity of verse ; some of which only misses being poetry by a want of distinetne•s in presenting the leading thought, and a consequca running into sounding verbiage.] ESS(Zy mum a (1117gITSS ( -Vat f;ir idinstmrnt of internemtional Disputes without I?, sof.? to Arms Containhig the substance of the re- jected Essays on that subject. With Original Thoughts, and a copious appendix. By W HAI A M APB. [This is a volume with a story. A reward w-as olicred for the best essay 011 the subject of a congress of nations for the adjustment of international disputes, by the American Peace Society. Nearly forty Incubrations mu-ere sent in : the first judges appointed were unable to decide amid the blase of excellence, and suggested that five of the best essays should be published ; which was done, after another Committee had been appointed to determine, without being able to agree. To gather up the fragments so that nothing should be lost, the Peace Society directed its Preeident, Mr. LADD, to form an additional work, by " taking all the matter from the rejected essays worth preserving "; and the result of this dovetailing process is the volume before us. The effect of this olla podrida is not so disjointed as might be supposed. Mr. LADD has taken the thoughts of the various writers, and cast them, appa- rently, into a framework of his own. The plan he suggests, or at least that which is suggested in the volume, is to have two distinct eongresses—one legis- lative, one judicial : the legislative body should pass a code of international laws, settling all those points now held doubtful ; the judicial body should de- cide upon specific cases of dispute between particular states. A good part of
law work is occupied with an enumeration of disputed points in law that ought to be settled, and some of which we fancied were settled inEurope —as for example, whether assassination is justifiable. The whole essay is speculative and Utopian, but has more of interest than might be supposed.] Garrick's Mode of Reading the Liturgy of ths Church of England. A new edition, whit Notes; and a .nreliminary Discourse on Public Read- ing, by RICHARD Cum., Tutor m Elocution. [The want of some wadigested system of teaching speech-utterance, founded on physiological principles, is felt in our every-day intercourse comparatively few persons are able to enunciate distinctly in common conversation, and it is a rare occurrence to hear even a news paragraph read with propriety ; as for poetry, it Is scarcely possible to listen to the reading of it; and prose, whether eloquent or plain, face almost as badly. Public speakers and readers, whether at the bar or in the senate, in the pulpit or on the stage, constantly manifest glaring faults of delivery, as regards both sound and sense ; for elocution has hitherto been taught empirically, and no two teachers are agreed as to the right method : what is good in elocution, is owing inure, perhaps, to the suggestions of good sense and the guidance of a musical ear in individuals than to any tenchin,g. Mr. Cuues " Discourse on Public Reading " is the vague and crude idea, imperfectly worked out, of the analogy between musical notation and vocal accentuation, in which the feet of verse and the inflexions of style in prose are likened to the measure of musical sounds •, the rhetorical pauses being taken into account in the scanning, and indicated by rests, as in a mu- sical score. GARRICK'S directions for reading the Liturgy, however well ob- served, would be theatrical in character, unless intelligence directed and de- votional fervour inspired the reader ; in which case they would not be needed. What id wanted to be taught is, the mechanism attic voice—the art of distinct enunciation, and the power of regulating vocal intonation and em- phasis, and the breathing intervals : beyond this, " let your own discretion be your tutor "; for if understanding and feeling he wanting, the most brilliant and imposing declamation will " play rodnd the head but never reach the heart."] The Churchman's Guide; a copious Index of Sermon§ and other works,
by eminent CIntrch-of-England Divines, digested and arranged accord- ing to their subjects, and continued to the present day. By the Rev.
JOHN FORSTER, M.A., Incumbent of the Royal Chapel in the Savoy. (The leading articles of Christi:Oa faith and practice, the principal Scripture characters, and the Festivals and other occasions to be discoursed upon, are classed alphabetically; and under each head are ranged the authors who have written on the subject, with reference to the volume and page of their works : in short, it is a very complete Preacher's Directory to the ideas of Church-of- England Divines from BARROW to BENSON.] The Science of Vision; or Natural Perspective. Containing the true lan- guage of the eye, necessary in common observation, education, art, and science, constituting the basis of the art of design ; with practical methods for foreshortening and converging in every branch of art, the new ellip- tical or conic sections,. laws of shadows, universal vanishing-points, and the new optical laws of the camera-obscura, or daguerr4otype ; also the physiology of the human eye, explaining the scat of vision to be the iris and not the retina. Second edition of the original work, entitled " Perspective Rectified," with corrections and many additions. With twenty-four plates. By ARTHUR PARSEY, Member of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, &c.
[This rigmarole title may serve as a eampie of the verbiage which &tali the
author's style of treating a subject requiring the utmost clearness. Mr. PARSEY announces, with the air of one who has made a grand discovery, the well-known fact, that in looking attentively at buildings or other straight-sided objects near the eye, the perpendicular lines slightly converge upwards, instead of being perfectly parallel; and he contends that this ocular deception should be represented in perspective drawings, asserting that all pictures where this fidlacy of vision is not represented are incorrect. He is at issue on this point with the theory and practice of all artists and writers on perspective, past and present ; who have agreed that it is
not expedient to falsify actual fact and vitiate picturesque beauty by de- lineating an optical phrenomenon that is evident only to a few seeentihe ob-
servers, and to them only in taking a near view. The true aim of perspective
is to present objects so that their real forms should be apparent in the picture ; and the most judicious artists are content to apply a science necessarily im- perfect so that this end shall be attained. In doingthis, they rightly sacrifice mathematical exactness, to arrive nt natural verisimilitude. By giving ex- aggerated importance to a false idea of which people generally are not con-
scious, the true image appears distorted in time picture ; mod a straight-sided
building is made to intik as though its walls sloped inwards, and what ought to scorn square appears viesew. This is violating actual truth to establish a figment
of scientific accuracy. Mr. PARSEY says it is absurd to indicate the convergence of horizontal lines and not of perpendicular • hut, by the convergence a the horizontal lines, the natural appearance of Objects 1eceing into distance is imitated, while by the convergence of perpendicular lines, parts of an object are made to appear to recede more than they do in reality : by the one course the true aspect is imitated—by the other' a distorted appearance is produced. But what are truth and beauty, compared with the crotchet of a man with one idea, though it he a false one ?] Tke Handbook of Trade and Commerce; or a concise Dictionary of the Terms and Principles of Trade, Commerce, Manufactures, Commercial and common law, &c. With tables of money, weights, and measures.
[This is a dictionary of words, (with corresponding expositions,) most frequently occurring in trade, and on which the trailer may desire immediate explanation. For example, under the head of "Coins," is given a table of the monies of all or nearly all the commercial countries in the world ; "Customs" contains an abridgment or analysis of the laws relating to that branch of the revenue; " Postage," all the new regulations ; "Cotton," a brief description of the article and the countries it comes from, with its average prices. Like all compilations where the writer draws from books rather than experience, there are things in the volume that scarcely seem requisite, amid others that are expounded at a needless length—as a history of Banks and Banking, which no one would study
at the desk. Some topics are also treated slightly—as Railroads ; some omitted—as Hackney-coach Fares, which seem as needful as Porterage. Altogether, however, the volume seems one of the best of its class.] Ibreign and English and English and Foreign Ready Rechoner Monies, Weights, and Measures, for nearly all parts of Europe ; with the cor- responding value in English. By LOUIS FENWICK DE Pontine:T.
[Contains tables in French and E- nglish of the monies, eas arcs, and weights, combo aisseit, Berks.
of nearly all the countries in Europe. Those of France are very elaborate; so much so, in fact, as to furnish a study rather than tables of reference. The typography is very neat.] _ l'he Equestrian; a Handbook of Horsemanship ; containing plain prac- tical rules for riding, driving, and the management of horses. By Cap. tam n M . With Illustrations by FRANK HOWARD. [A concise and explicit manual of directions, by attentively studying, and above all by carefully practising which, an unskilful rider, possessed of nerve, may at any rate avoid the ridicule incurred by ignorance and awkwardness in sittin and managing a horse. The illustrations arc drawn with neatness and spirit. Recreations in Physical Geography ; or the Earth as it is. By ROSANX M. ZORNLIN, Author of " Recreations in Geology." [A comprehensive view of the natural features and products of the globe as at present existing, drawn from the latest and most authentic sources, and arranged so as to present the various details of the subject in their proper order. Thus the physical structure and conditions of the earth as a planet are first desciilied; then its constituent parts of land, water, atmosphere; and after- wards the results of their different characters amid combinations as shown in climate, vegetation, animals, and man : the several geographical divisions of the surface are then treated of in succession, beginning with the British Isles, mid traversing the " Old World," then proceeding to the " New World," and " Oceanica," which includes Polynesia and Australia. The information given as to the natural characteristics of each country is minute, but concise ; and the style is easy, rapid, and animated, like that of a writer having a thorough. command of her materials : indeed, it is the best summary of geographical knowledge that we have seen, and is well qualified to be a class-book in schools. The volume is illustrated by wood-cuts of the most remarkable scenes and productions of different regions, and by maps of rivers, mountains, and the distribution of plants and animals.]
Portrait of the Duke. of Wellington' in Isis official costume as Master of the Trinity House. Painted by JOHN LUCAS; engraved by HENaY COUSENS.
[An admirable mezzotint of Lucas's first and finest portrait of the Duke. We may say of the print as of the picture, that it is the best, if not the only true and characteristic likeness of WeataNc•rosi; whose strougly-marked features have been often caricatured by would-be flattering limners, but whose decided and unchanging physiognomy has never been so successfully depicted as in this instance. The great soldier stands erect, with folded arms, present- log nearly a full-front face to the spectator, and looking as Ile appeared in the vigour of matured age; his compact forehead crowned with scant gray locks, his clear steady eye directed point-blank under the shaggy brow, the nos- tril of his aquiline nose well expanded, and time mouth tirade closed ; the whole expression conveying the idea of penetrating sagacity, ready determination, and calm energy. The modelling of the face is masterly and painter-like; the figure stands out well from the background; and the general effect of the picture is preserved in the print.] The Earl of Strafford going to Execution. Painted by PAUL DE LA ROCHE ; engraved by GEORGE SANDERS. [An effective and elaborate mezzotint copy of a French line-engraving of the famous picture painted for the Duke of SUTHERLAND, and exhibited at the British institution; representing Strafford on his way to the scaffold kneeling to receive the parting blessing of his fellow-prisoner Laud, the venerable Pre- late stretching his hands through the gratings aids cell. The incident is well and forcibly depicted, excepting the figure of Strafford, the centre of attraction : neither in his look nor action are expressed the character of the men, and the strong emotion inseparable from so awful a scene; it is the forinal obeisance of cainie.ollicial functionary rather than the reverential salutation of one about to Heads of the People; or Portraits of the English. New Series. Nos. 11, 12, and 13. [This triple number completes a set of clever and amusing sketches of class- character as exhibited its the present day ; and if the effigies had been equalato the descriptions, we think the work would have been more extensively popular. The " British Soldier" and " Chelsea Pensioner," by R. 11. Holm, are a pair of portraits drawn wiqi a knoa ing hand, tine to the life, and full of ani- mation ; the " British Sailor" and " Greenwich Pensioner," by E. Ilowaun, are little inferior in truth, though not so real and suggestive ; and the group of " Corporation Heads" are sliced off by LANIAN BLANCHARD " at one fell swoop," with a keen-edged blade of sarcastic wit almost too floe for the work— it is us easy as cutting down so many cauliflowers. Two or three of KENNEY MEADOWS'S " studies of heeds " are ludicrous as grimacing caricatures ; but his want of skill its delineating churtirt(r is strikingly shown in the " Soldier " and " Sailor," whose characteristic features are so marked and fainillar that it would seem almost impossible to avoid hitting them off. We suspect Mr. Mnanows's talent lies in the fantastic rather than the litunerous—he iS i■ WIELAND, not a GRIMALDI, in drollery.]
T he Sporting Almanack, ISA 1.
[Is illustrated by etchings of the wild sports of foreign countries, and some of the out-door recreations of England ; with descriptioas of each.] PAMPHLETS.
Stanley or Peel! Who shall Ledtl Us? Au Address to Conservatives. By a Conservative Member. Mehentet Ali, Lord Palmerston, Russia, and France. By WILLIAM CARGILL, Esq. Why the Eastern Questhm cannot he salistbetorily Settled; or Reflections on the respective genius auti missions of Pulaild and France. By L. L