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;111‘31N, 11111 to If boat:11111 dcloon:trati.,ll,:. may be con...i,j, !•:, ideneks of strength, give warning that we would allow no European nation to interfere in the Conservatives have now time real their side. They proclaim their triumphs in a variety of forms and in all parts of the country. At one time we find them gathered together at plough- ing-matches; at other times, Protestantism, Education, or the Church, are the banners under which they muster ; and not seldom they meet avowedly to assert Conservative principles and to pro- mote directly the success of their party. The South Lancashire Conservative Association anniversary, this week, produced a dis- play of the latter kind ; in which upwards of six hundred persons participated. Many of the second-class Parliamentary leaders, who make up by redundant zeal for want of weight, were present at this muster; and not being restricted by Parliamentary forms and observances, they attacked the Ministers as seeking popularity by hypocritical professions, and claimed them as brother Conserva- tives at heart. The recent registrations were confidently appealed to as exhibiting an accession of strength which would soon open for their party the way to office. Whilst the Tories are thus displaying their energy and party-spirit, the Ministers seem to be doing nothing either for themselves or the country. Now and then, indeed, a public dinner is given in honour of some of their supporters; but there are ito demonstrations in their favour apart from these indi- vidual occasions of meeting. Even at such times, the chances are that Ministers are more abused than praised, and the speakers are obliged to apologize to their constituents for supporting them. There has been much talk and squabbling in the papers about the election of High Steward for the University of Cambridge. The two candidates, Lord LYNDHURST and Lord LYTTLETON, pro- fess the same political principles ; but the Conservatism of the former is of the deeper dye. The Tories themselves seem divided in their choice; whilst all the Liberals side with Lord LYTTLE- TON,—less, perhaps, from affection to him than from hatred of his opponent. It is edifying to see that section of the Conservative party which advocates Lord LYTTLETON'S claims, producing as testimonials of his merit the votes he has given against Ecclesias- tical Reform. By the other section of the party he is denounced as a Whig, or at least a trimmer ; while Lord LYNDHURST stands before the world a perfect chrysolite of Toryism. As regards aca- demic standing and academic usage, Lord LYNDHURST seems to have undoubtedly the preferable claim. A defeat under such cir- cumstances, and by the votes of his own party too, would be doubly grievous.