Zbe Court.
THE Court continues at Windsor. There has been little company at the Castle this week. Her Majesty continues in the enjoyment of good health, and has taken out-of-door exercise nearly every .day, either walking or riding. On Monday and on Wednesday, Prince Albert in- spected the First Regiment of Life Guards in the Great Park : on Tuesday, his Royal Highness went on a shooting-excursion to Sir Gore Ouseley's, but returned to the Castle to dinner. The Dutehess of Kent returned to the C. stle from Ingestre House on Tuesday.
The Queen has given 25/. towards the erection of Christ Church, Derby.
As at present arranged, we understand that her Majesty and the Court intend leaving Wildsor Castle for Buckingham Palace on Wed- nesday the 1 Ith of November.—Standard. We understand the Queen has been graciously pleased to stand sponsor of the infant daughter of Mr. and Lady Louisa Cotes, daughter of the Earl of Liverpool. The chri tening is expected to take place in the course of next month, at Walcot, Shropshire ; when the Earl of Liverpool, Selina Viscountess Milton, Colonel and Lady Katherine Harcourt, and a large family-party, will be present. Lady Katherine Harcourt will have the honour to represent her Majesty on the interest- ing occasion.—Morning Post. The Queen Dowager has been recently presented with an address from the influential clergy of Derby, congratulating her Majesty on selecting a residence in that county. The Archbishop of York and Miss Harcourt arrived at the close of the past week, on a visit to her Majesty. His Grace preached on Sunday at the parish-church. The Duke of Cambridge, attended by Baron Knesebeck, arrived at his residence, Cambridge house, Piccadilly, on Thursday afternoon, from Dover. Soon after his arrival, his Royal Highness went to Glou- cester House to visit the Duteliess of Gloucester.
A fancy-fair, under the patronage of the Queen Dowager and the Dutches of Kent, in aid of the funds for building National and Sunday Schools in the parish of Upton-ettin-Chalvey, was held on Thursday in the Windsor Town-hall.