At the Central Criminal Court, on Tuesday, two men named
Lilly, uncle and nephew, were found guilty of fraudulently representing articles of jewellery, made of alloys and coloured glass, to be fine gold and precious stones. The peculiarity in their ease was, that the parties on whom they practised their frauds were persons in the trade, who ought to have been able to detect alloy from fine gold. The materials of which the things were made, was a peculiar composition, closely resembling gold, and which stood the test of aquafortis. The prisoners had also imposed on several pawnbrokers, by making up quantities of clothes of inferior kinds, on which they had contrived, by false representations. to raise more money than their worth. They were sentenced to be imprisoned eighteen months in the Penitentiary.
At the Surry Quarter-sessions, on Saturday, the Magistrates, after. sonic discussion, and by a large majority, decided that it is not at pre- sent advisable to adopt the Rural Police Act in those parts of the county of Surry not within the Metropolitan Police district.
At the Surry Sessions, on Monday, Captain Philip Hay was found guilty of propelling a small dart by his breath through a long tube, at a Policeman, near Marsh Gate, in the Westminster Road, on the 31st of last July. The Captain was sitting on the box of a cab, by the side of the cabman, and was amusing himself by blowing darts through the tube at different objects. He aimed one at a Policeman, but in the first instance missed his mark. Some altercation ensued ; and as the Po- liceman was walking away, the Captain took a second aim, and sent a dart through the Policeman's strong hat, and slightly wounded his head. The sharp part of the dart was like a strong needle, and the other end was composed of worsted. The defendant had boasted that he could pin the Policeman's ear to his head with the instrument. He was only sentenced to pay a fine of 10/. for this dangerous sport.
Two men, named Slade and Lear, were finally examined at GuildhalI on Tuesday, on a charge of uttering gilt pocket-pieces resembling sove- reigns. Their plan was to select some spot where they could easily collect a crowd, and to represent that they were selling sovereigns for sixpence each, to decide a wager laid by the Marquis of Waterford, which depended on their being able to dispose of a certain number of sovereigns for sixpence within a certain time. These men, in order to deceive the bystanders, occasionally sold a real sovereign to a confe- derate, who showed it to the lookers-on. Mr. Field, the Solicitor to the Mint, stated that the deviation of the medals from sovereigns was so considerable that the utterers could scarcely be indicted under the statute, though they had succeeded in cheating great numbers if per- sons: The Magistrate, Mr. Alderman Magnay, said he could punish them for another offence which they had committed by standing in the street and creating an obstruction. For this he fined the defendants 10s. each; and he desired the Police to apprehend all persons found offending in that manner. The prisoners paid the fines, and were dis- charged.
Captain Harvey Tuckett, the late antagonist of Lord Cardigan, had his pocket picked on Saturday, of a gold snuffbox, which had been prc• sented to him by his brother officers. A tradesman in Cockspur Street saw the pickpocket lift up Captain Tuckett's coat and take out the box. He instantly gave information; the thief was followed and captured, and the box regained. On Monday the thief was committed for trial.
At an adjourned Coroner's inquest, held at the Middlesex hospital on Wednesday, the Jury returned a verdict of " Wilful Murder" against James Littleton, fir having killed Mary Nicholls, a woman with whom he lived, in one of the dens in St. Giles's. It appeared from the evidence of a woman who slept in the same room, that Little- ton beat tie deceased with the handle of a broom until it broke: she was carried to the I lospital, and died of the injuries. Littleton, after the death of Nicholls, gas .: the woman, who appeared as witness against him, it bonnet belonging to the deceased, and desired her to keep out of the way.
31r. II. Rowles, a gentleman of large property, shot himself, at his house in Stratton Street, Piccadilly, out Saturday evening. Mr. Rowles was a :Middlesex Magistrate, a Director of Rumney Iron-works in South Wales, it Director of the Si, Katherine's Dock Company, and Chairman of the Globe Insurance-office. Ile had mice been in business as a builder ; when he built Drury Lane Theatre and several other public buildings. Ile had been in low spirits for some time. A Co- roner's Jury, which sat upon the body, returned a verdict of " Tempo- rary Insanity." Two twin sisters, named Robinson, nineteen years of age, committed suicide on Monday, by throwing themselves together into the Thames
from Waterloo Bridge. They formerly resided in Manchester, where their father was a manufacturer ; but were both seduced, by married men, and brought to London, where they were deserted. After leading a dissolute life for some months, they mutually agreed to put an end to such a miserable existence by suicide; which the twin sisters carried into execution at the same moment.