There is a good deal of al
:arm m El Wales respecting the move- ments of the Chemists there. A letter from Newport, dated Tuesday, says—" Yesterday. the authorities of this town were actively employed in swearing in special constables, in consequence of a public meeting of the Chartists having been announced to take place at seven o'clock in the evening in Victoria Place. One lieutenant, two sergeants, and thirty rank and file of the Second Bettalion of the Rifle Brigade were called out, to he in readiness itt case of dist uri,mwe, and lodged in the house occupied as a military hospital, in the immediate vicinity of the
place of meeting. * * It is rumoured that it Chartist rising is to
take place next. month. 'fbe villages abnut here, however, are filling with soldiers; and, come what may, the troops will be more than a match for them."
On the evening of Saturday last, a meeting of the Radical party was beld in the Thtedre at Carlisle. The met:tine was called by placards, whieh announced that " Mr. Riehards if the Potteries. (late member of the National Couventien.) and others, V. n nc I :, the meeting on the critical state of the country," &c. The tneeti et„ ens not So numerously attended as the gatherings of this pas: V • ee seenstomed to be. hut it soon become evideut that it wes like]; t than usually stormy. Mr. Richards, v.ho is :ipparentl.y cc -• -le of :ivy years of age, and Mr. Ceram addressed than audience c;•1,ct leavouring to per-
suade them that they were sufferiug ite •r he evils that flesh is heir
to. As Icing as the orators confined thee. ed. s to this topic, they were listened to with much attention ; and •!:. ee•lit,,rs seeeted to derive great satiefaeti nit et lain:: teld that tle,y cc c, 'c' I, .rfeetly miserable. and ought to be c, 'a unhappy : but the monent they tot died, upon the sub- ject of foreign peficy, and ventered to hie! :cc Lae I Palmerston's " treason," die el teest dis truler •\111,i. VI; of •t We want to
hear nothing al: e it ti.reiee affairs : '• Charter for ever !"
rendered the op: : '!, " :71 try elfin, inatvlihle. The el'hiehern Sete, it ionOil'it!..• re acil A tt wood agi-
sees ae enendee te the C'eirter; des their elluaien to that
journal. Card°, fiedinee •I• .,11!• to propose any resolution ahout foreiee ,0,.•, . c; 'c- 'c'' :nims.:If with moving one in eavour of the Chartvr. • i,fy M. O'Connor's disciples; and Mr. 11-air], eliee to et a•li et:: the C.Irlisle Radicals, moved an amendment, appraving, eeees if tic'' Charter, but de- nouncing the foreign policy egi: in es. SLn.••: w,•-•• ttle pro and con. upon the respeet ve resolntions. .1m;•le t! ee•t•-t etreer; mild at length it appeared as it' the co:item:des resort to actual
violence. At this juncture, s ene discreet eers ne: I the curtain
to be droppe 1 on the stage: which lied the ethee 01' pelting an end to the TOW.— Times,