31 OCTOBER 1840, Page 5


The Queen has conferred the two vacant Garters on the Duke of Sutherland and the Martinis of Westminster.

Dr. Mostyn, (brother or cousin of Sir E. Mostyn, Bart.,) late private secretary of Dr. Walsh, has been appointed Bishop of Aripolis aud Vicar Apostolic of the North, in place of Dr. Weedall, whose resigna- tion or rather non-acceptance of this high dignity was recently an- nounced. The new Bishop is described, by those who personally know him, as a Prelate of profound learning, with great suavity of temper, and eminent for his piety.—Durham Chronicle.

We announced some days since that the Marquis of Normanby had unfortunately met with an accident, which would prevent his return from Mulgrave Castle to his official duties for some days. We regret to state that the accident was more serious in its consequences than was at first supposed. It was occasioned by suddenly checking the rein of the horse on which he was riding, by which the hand was injured, and some of the smaller bones dislocated ; considerable inflammation ensued, and dangerous results were apprehended. His Lordship is, we are in- formed by accounts received this morning, considered better, but is still seriously indisposed.—G/ebe, Oct. 30.

The Glasgow Argus of Thursday announces that Lord John Russell is about to be married'to a daughter of the Earl of 3Iinto. " We learn on good authority," says the Arges, " that the noble Secretary for the Colonies is shortly to be united in marriage with one of the Ladies Elliot, daughter of the Earl of Minto, First Lord of the Admiralty. Lord John Russell, it will be recollected, spent some time at Mato Castle, Roxburghshire, in the course of time recent autunm. [Lord John, we believe, also " spent sonic time "at another Scotch castle in the recent autumn.] The ceremony is expected to take place previous to the meeting of Parliament."

The sports of Newmarket Houghton meeting have been enlivened this week by a fancy-fair, under the patronage of the Dutchess of Beaufort, the Countesses of AlLentarle and Chesterfield, Lady Jermyn, and other ladies, who acted as shopkeepn-s. The races on Wednesday did not commence till two o'clock, to afford time for the novel treat.

Mr. Liddell has written to the papers to contradict the statement, which we copied last week front the Gee:ahead Oaeereee, that he had struck the name of Prince Albert from the list of toasts at the dinner of the Agricultural Society at Alnwick.