A statement in the Magdeburg and Leipsie Gazettes, that the
Emperor of Austria was about to abdicate in favour of his brother, the Archduke Ferdinand, caused some surprise in Paris on Wednesday. It is hardly necessary to say that it is totally destitute of truth.— Times.
The Brussels Independaut contains the following letter from Copen- hagen, 12th instant. " It is certain that the Emperor Nicholas has caused to be refitted a portion of the Baltic fleet, viz, nine ships of the line, six frigates, and four or five smaller vessels. The newest and fastest-sailing vessels have been selected ; and as they are in different
anchorages, orders have been given for their joining, when ready, a
squadron of three ships of the line and the same number of frigates, which are ready for sea in the roads of' Revel. They are all to be ready
by the 15th of this month, and are to be commanded by Admiral Plater. It is said they are to take on board ammunition for two years and provisions for six months.
A letter from Frankfort states, that all the Russian Legations in Ger- many had received a circular from Count Nesselrode, dated the 8th,
front St. Petersburg. This circular or despatch, following closely the same reasoning as Lord Pahnerston's memorandum, still expresses regret at France not having acceded to the treaty of London, and is
couched in terms more courteous to France than usual. It lays strong emphasis on the declaration that none of the Powers will accept terri- tories or exclusive influence growing out of the treaty ; and it invites the German Courts to lend to the treaty of London the moral support of their approbation.
The Universal Gazette qf Leipsic publishes a letter from Bohemia, dated the 20th instant, which states that a revolt bad taken place at
Bamberg, in Galicia, and that a regiment of the garrison had joined the people. This seditious movement was with difficulty suppressed, after numerous discharges of artillery.
The Commerce states that the Austrian Government had determined to forbid the exportation of horses from its dominions. A treaty was concluded at Antwerp on Tuesday, by the members of the Dutch and Belgian Commission, for the regulation of' the pilotage in the Scheldt, in execution of the treaty of the lath April 1839. The treaty consists of about eighty articles, whieh are considered to be favourable to Belgium.