A Court-martial was held on the 11th ultimo, on board
the Vestal, 26, for the trial of Commander Andrew Drew, in the Canadian Lake. service, on charges preferred against him by Captain Sandom, Com- mander-in-Chief on the Lakes. This trial occupied the Court twenty- one days. Five charges were brought forward, and the following sen- tences pronounced on them. The first charge, most direct disobedience of orders, and the second, negligently performing his duty, the Court considered proved ; and admonition was conveyed in the reading of' the finding of the Court. The second part of the second charge, viz, for forsaking his station at two different periods, was dismissed ; it being shown that, in the first of the instances specified, Captain Drew was sick, and in the second instance, that his absence was occasioned by his being on other duty.. On the third charge, for signing false musters,. the Court declared its opinion that Captain Drew had affixed his signa- ture to such musters from inadvertence, and without any improper de- sign. Fourth, for having, by letters to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, made false statements with a view to exculpate himself from the charges which Captain Sandom had submitted for their Lordships' consideration—and fifth, for having been instrumental, either directly or indirectly, in conveying to the public prints of Great Britain false statements highly prejudicial to the naval service and discipline, and. disrespectful and injurious to Captain Sandom as his commanding offi- cer—the Court declared not proved. The President, after the decision had been read, returned Captain Drew his sword and shook hands with him, as did the other members of the Court. The Court was then dis- solved.—Devonport Telegraph.