The quiet state of the political world has produced almost a torpor in the Noney-market, and our late excitement has been succeeded by nearly complete quiescence. The fluctuation during the week has been hut trilling, though the continual tendency has been upwards: the price of Consists for 31oney has been to-day as high as 871, being an advance of 4 per cent. upon the lowest price of the week., while fur Aecount the price has risen in the same degree, and after being at 881, closes to-day at 871 8:4. We have little doubt that the improvement in our market would doubtless have been much greater, but for the great demand for money that lies existed and still continues. The rate of dis- ,count for the last few days for the tirst-rate commercial bills has varied from 5 to G ter cent., and to-day it WM impossible to obtain discounts lower than at the latter rate; indeed, most of the principal capitalists are not at all anxious to employ their money, being convinced that the rate of discount will rather increase than diminish. It was generally expected yesterday, that at the nieering of the Bank Directors a resolution would have been adopted limiting still further the pe- riod of discount, and that instead of discounting as at present hills having sixty-live days to run, the period would he reduced to thirty days. No such notice, however, has been issued. The temporary improvement noticed last week in the rates of the foreign exchanges has not been tnaintained, and the quotations of to-day are the same its they were before the late improvement. It is stated, that with a view to acting upon tile exchanges, the Bank Directors have obtained a credit in Hamburg for 1,000,000i. ; and that they will proceed in the same way as they did some time ago, when they obtained a credit on the Bank of France, and by creating a supply of bills upon lIatnhurg, cause the exchange upon that place to improve—thus diminishing the profit upon the exportation of bullion and preventing the drain of the precious metals to NrItich in the event of s decline of the exchanges the Bank would be subjected. The pressure for money has not been so great in the Stock Exchange as in the commercial world. Exchequer bills have, however, given way to 5s. dis., mid India Bonds to 16s. dis.; both are, however, higher—Exchequer Bills having been done at Is. dis., and India Bonds at 12s. dis Long Annuities have been in demand, mid the price has improved to 13s., being an advance of / upon every Annuity or nearly 2 per rent. By By: late Jamaica mail the accounts received from that island, although generally sati,factory, bring intelligence that several extensive mercantile tkilures had occarred; by one of which, it is stated that the Colonial Bank is a sufferer to the extent of 12,000/.
Bank Stock Ilas again receded, and was quoted yesterday at 160; which, al- though not so low as the lowest price of last week, is still 2 per cent. below the highest quotation (162) for the seine period. India Stock is I per cent, higher, viz. 245.
In the Foreign Market, Dutch Stock has advanced in consequence of some extensive purchases, and the Two-and-a-half per Cent have risen to 50/. By the West India packet, advices were yesterday received from Venezuela of it very favourable character for the interests of the .:c.ltnishian olholders ; and these securities are to-day at 231 to 24, being an advaLee of more than 1 per cent. By the same conveyance, a remittance for the dividend upon Chili= Bonds has arrived, and it is understood that ease divide.i I half a year, viz. 3 per cent., will be immediately adver; Tires ii iris are consequently higher, and nifty; be Touted at from 5") to 5. ; buyers at 53, but no disposition to sell. The last advices from Wa Janeiro srak of the determina- tion of Government to contract a loan of 1,200,000 sterling, part in the Local Stock and part in England ; the Local Bonds had consequently fallen to 721. The price of Brazilian Stock in our market is lower, though there have beea but few transactions in it.
Portuguese Bonds have risen nearly 1 per cent., and the Five for Cents. may be quoted to-day at 323 33k. Spanish Active, which was current at 21/, has risen in consequence of the tranquil state of Spain, and the improvement in the price of these Bonds its the Paris market ; and has to-day been at 21E, but closes lower, viz. 21i
Very little business 113S occurred this morning. The opening price of Con- sols for Money was 87A 4, and for Account r.•7i., t7iS; the market has improven. k, and is now 674 ij for Money and SS to h for Account. Bank Stock is quoted at 1601 and 1611, and India Stuck at 213. Excli;.-1;ter iflil are 3s. Is. dis- count, and India Bunds I "Is. discount. 11 the Foreign Market, the South American Stocks are in deina:41, hut the prices at which ticy are current have not advanced. The political intelligence from Spaia big comddered unfa- vourable, Spanish Active Stock 1189 declined ; het after being at 21 inns rallied slightly in consequence of the improvement in the 0,11561-market, and is now 2l 1. Dutch Two-and- a-lialf per Cents. heavy, at 501 ; and t17"06tiher Foreign Funds may be quoted at yesterday's prices.
A ivr rent. Consols 575 97 9; Ifeldall 5 per Cemc
Dam re. Account SS ColutMyati I.,r l'euts 2.3+ a per Cent. Ilethived 56, s 3 per (!:•:1's
3+ per Cent. Ditto 96 50
New u,r Cents. DM,•1t 21 per Cents Mexa-an 5 p,••.• Consd t Brink icot Portnga.,,e lie_eae■ 51,1 Os. 321 3
Exchequer 3 I di:. Ddlo .3 uer C
'4'ock 243 Bruzinan 5 per Cents 72 4 Ilas,ian 5 p•.: 2111t:1 Iii