The Caledonia steam-packet, arrived at Liverpool yesteeday, from Halifax, after
a run of little more than eleven days. She sailed from Boston on the 16th, and from Halifax on the afternoon of the 19th instant. The intelligence front the United States by this conveyance -adds nothing of interest to that received by the Great Western.
This mail brings newspapers from Canada to the 12th, and from Nova Scotia to the 15th October. They contain scarcely any news.
The Quebec Gazette mentions, that Major-General Sir James Mac- donne] had accepted the command of the troops in Upper Canada ; and that he will also discharge the duties of Lieutenant-Governor on the departure of Sir George Arthur, till the union of the two Provinces is proclaimed by Lord Sydenham.
A meeting of opponents of the Union was to be held at Quebec on the 14th.
According to a report which originated in the Lonflon Gazette of Upper Canada, and was going the round of the papers, the Union was to take effect on the 1st of January next.
Another report was current in the Eastern Provinces, that Nova Scotia and New Brunswick were to be united.