Nothing has occurred in Spain this week. The Provisional Government
has done a few trifling things, such as decreeing absolute liberty of the press, abolishing all classical education and aubstituting the " ologies," demanding a loan of £20,000,000, liberating partnership from all restrictions, changing the personnel
of most embassies, and issuing a manifesto to explain that it wishes to re-establish constitutional monarchy; but that is all. It is now understood that the Cortes will not meet till the end of December, and believed that the object of the delay is to enable the Ministry to manipulate the elections. The Democratic party, to meet that danger, is organizing juntas in every commune, and intends through them to " educate " the peasantry. The struggle, to all appearance, will be sharp, if not bloody, and as yet only one monarchical candidate can be said to be in the field, Don Carlos, head of the elder branch of the Spanish Bourbons, a young man apparently of some brains and many promises—but a Bourbon.