31 OCTOBER 1868, page 21
The Nooks And Byways Of Italy. By Craufurd Tait Ramage,
LL.D. (Liverpool : Howell.)--This is a record of a most interesting journey undertaken forty years ago, through the southern portions of the Italian peninsula, and our author......
A Treatise On Physiology And Hygiene. By .7. C. Dalton,
M.D. (Sampson Low.)—Dr. Dalton is a Professor of Physiology in the New York College of Physicians and Surgeons. His book is intended for non- professional readers, who, if we......
Crowned. By A. G. Tainsh. 2 Vols. (chapman And Hall.)—this
is a book written with much power and worth attention, though it will pro- bably weary some readers, and excite the antagonism of others. It consists of a number of studies of......