A Treatise on Physiology and Hygiene. By .7. C. Dalton,
M.D. (Sampson Low.)—Dr. Dalton is a Professor of Physiology in the New York College of Physicians and Surgeons. His book is intended for non- professional readers, who, if we may judge from ourselves, may certainly study it with interest and profit. There is nothing distasteful in the volume, nothing which is unsuitable to any class of readers. The subject- matter of human physiology contains, of course, much that lay persons had bettor leave alone ; Dr. Dalton recognizes the fact, and exercises a wise discretion which we have not found to be anywhere at fault. Altogether it is a first-rate text-book. It seems, from the questions with which it is furnished, to be intended for use in schools. That is a purpose for which we cannot recommend it, or, indeed, any work. When the subject may be fitly taught, the teacher could not have a better help.