Air • PAINLEVE'S Government has resigned and the • hopes of an immediate scheme for financial re- covery go with it. The fall of the Government comes at a most unfortunate moment when the French nation recog- nizes that the war in Morocco is far from ended and that the confused and highly dangerous situation in Syria has laid a new burden of responsibility and anxiety upon France. The resignation of the Government which took place on Tuesday was decided upon by the majority of the Cabinet as the only available means of getting rid of M.- Caillaux. M. Caillaux tried to persuade the Cabinet to have the issue debated in Parliament, as he argued with a good deal of reason that though he had been bitterly attacked he had had no opportunity of formally defending himself. Tfie personality of M. Caillaux, as we have explained in our first leading article, is at the bottom of all the trouble. Nevertheless, he stood for a good and sound cause—for relieving public finance of fits political inspiration and for restoring French ere& by the only possible remedy, which is adequate laXittion and the honouring of debts. .