The Treatment Of Mr. Lloyd George's Land Proposals By Lord .
Oxford is sagacious. Lord Oxford presumably is a little alarmed . by the proposals and knows that there is much opposition to them in the Liberal Party. Accord- ingly he has -......
• The Daily Mail Of Wednesday Published A Long Article
by Lord Rothermere ordering the GovernMent to return to Conservatism. He says that their measures have been indistinguishable from those of Socialists. He recommends a retreat......
Next Monday The Municipal Elections Will Be Held...
and Wales. In most places and particularly in London the real issue is whether the Labour Party is to be allowed to get possession of the municipal apparatus. If it does get......
The Daily News Of Wednesday Gave Its Blessing To An
exposition by Professor Gilbert Murray of the possi- bility of Liberals and Labour being brought together. Professor Murray says that apart from the Capital Levy there is hardly......
Front The More Credulous They Are. However The Tale Grew,
we hope it will be proved that our Intelligence Branch did not invent it, though we can understand that an extreme practitioner in propaganda might easily contend that war means......
Astonishment Has Been Caused By A Report In The Times
that Brigadier-General John Charteris in a speech in America declared that the well-known story that the Germans, during the War, boiled down corpses in order to extract the......
In 1919 Labour Captured Fourteen London Boroughs And...
rate which for three years averaged • 17s. 6d. in the I. In 1922 Labour lost eight of these • fourteen boroughs, and in these eight boroughs during the past three years the......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent., Changed From 41 Per Cent.
on Octobevlst, 1925. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 99 11 : en Thursday week 1021 ; a year ago 1001, Funding Loan (4.-per cent.) was on Wednesday 871 ; on Thursday week......