The Daily News of Wednesday gave its blessing to an
exposition by Professor Gilbert Murray of the possi- bility of Liberals and Labour being brought together. Professor Murray says that apart from the Capital Levy there is hardly a subject of real political importance upon which a working agreement between the two parties could not be reached. The Daily News predicts that in the end the alliance will be achieved because the alternative is " indefinite Tory government." It cautiously adds, however, that it doubts whether there is much advantage in pleading for the alliance at present. That might very swell be also the, feeling of a young man whose proposals of marriage had been rejected on a hundred successive days. It_ is clear, nevertheless, that Liberals as a whole do not regard the lady as finally lost. Mr. Lloyd George's policy of nationalizing the land and creating a huge class of farming tenants under the Government may or may not have been designed to provoke " a mere' coming-on disposition " in the Labour Party ; if it was not designed it was at least a fortunate coincidence.