[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR .] SI R So many inquiries have been `Made 'as to how the Home= croft experiment is faring—not of myself, exactly, but of my friends---that I must crave so much of your space as will allow me to say briefly, first, that thanks to the Spectator readers' response the scheme has aroused, and has held, the local interest at Cheltenham which was an indispensable condition for success ; and, secondly, that the friends who have taken 110 the matter there are very anxious to put it on a business and not merely on a philanthropic footing. And for the present I am simply standing by; doirig my best to keep the ring for them, and apPease the kindly impatience-7-rnestWelcOme and deai to me—of those people who *want a Month's work done in a week and a year's work done in a month.- I am waiting on a report, in ether words ; and Waiting; as yet, in no anxiety of spirit on any score except that of the COltimn or so that' shall have to be begging him you to talk about it when it comes.
And may I, While I alit aboht it, Write just One word' I want to say concerning that last good piece of advice you gave me, to stand by my accountant ? It is this—that I Mein to. It's not so easy to follow an accountant, but I think I shall follow mine. No man knows what he can do till he is tried ; but I don't think I 'shall fail, if it came to the pinch, even in that last' htiMiliation of returning to all the subscribers every penny of their subscriptions, and releasing alithe others' front their
University College, Cardiff. •