Next Monday the Municipal Elections will be held throughout England
and Wales. In most places and particularly in London the real issue is whether the Labour Party is to be allowed to get possession of the municipal apparatus. If it does get possession we shall ' have Socialistic policies and rising rates. In the,London boroughs the Progressives-have gradually dwindled away till they have become a small group and the real fight is between the Municipal Reformers, who now control twenty-two of the twenty-eight boroughs, and . the Labour Party, which controls the other six. , We do not by any means accuse the Labour candidates as' a whole of wishing to introduce into municipal adMiniStra- tion the methods of Poplar and West Ham. NeVerthe- - less, they believe in spending, not indeed for. spendin‘s lake, bid because they are convinced that by a free outlay of public money you can obtain many desirable things and a higher standard of well-being. The Municipal- Reformers,- on the contrary, believe that the greatest amount of happiness results from low taxation • and from the greater industrial prosperity which always results from low taxation.