THE TRAVELS OF PETER MUNDY IN EUROPE AND ASIA (1608-1667). Vol. IV.- Europe 1639-1647. Series IL Vol. LV. Edited by Lt.-Col. Sir Richard Cameo Temple, Bt. (Hakluyt. Society. 25s. -net.)
Tins splendid edition of Peter Mundy's Travels from the original manuscripts, which has involved so much labour and scholarship, has neared completion, for that intrepid
person, only undertook one more voyage, to the little known factory at Rijapur; in Western India. The present series have the added interest that Mundy made these expeditions, not for an agent, but for his own pleasure and to ease his " habitual disposition offtravelling." . His "Petty Progresse through some ])a-rts of England and -Wales," fascinating in its 'contemporary detail and colour, was aceompliilied with but a single mishap. 'Peter 'istreedinbed to the attractiVeness of Welsh' harp-mdsic and ale, lost all his !Maley, and, as he obseries, pathetically perhaps, " I.had to pawne My sword." He left a normal England and returned to find his country
in the terrible throes of civil liar. He wandered through Amsteidairiand Danzig, stayed a time in Warsaw, and found his way northward to Archangel, where he observed the customs and even noted down the langUage of the " Samoy- edes." When we recollect that Gustavus Adolphus ruled in Sweden, and Mikhael Romanoff in Russia, and that it was the period of the Thirty Years' War, this contemporary account will be seen to be precious. As a traveller Mundy
was an object lesson to' many modern globe-trotters. A careful observer, sceptical of " tall " stories, he was good- tempered and never grumbled at danger or discomfort. His remarks on " The chieftest end of traveille ", are still appro- priate : ". More to bee enjoyed, More to bee scene at home in [our] ovine land (take itt in the generall) than in any one country beesides in the whole world, both for convenieney and delightt- Butt the Almighty lath' enordred thatt there
should bee mutuall Comerce among all Nationes thatt the one Might participate with the other off such blessings which hee bath severally distributed."