The House of Lords sat on Monday till nine o'clock
; on Tuesday till six ; on Thursday till seven ; on Friday till eight. The House of COMMMIS sat on Monday till one ; on Tuesday till nearly two ; on Wednesday till nine; on Thursday till three;. on Friday till one. The East Retford Witnesses Bill was read a third time and carried, last night, in the House of Lords, after some opposition from Lord Holland. A petition from the Hull shipowners, praying for a reduction of several taxes that pressed upon them with great severity, was ordered to be printed.
In answer to a question by Lord Joule RUSSELL, Mr. PEEL stated that be hoped soon to lay before Parliament all the papers connected with the Degotiotioae about Greece" a tile irepertutt pant, bad been garezzecl, When the Ordnance Estimates were before the House last night, Mr HUME, Mr. MABERLY, and Colonel SIBTHORPE, recommended a reduc- tion of the number of Clerks to the Ordnance establishments.
An amendment for saving some thousand pounds was put to the vote, and negatived by 80 to 40.
The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER, in answer to a question by Mr. GORDON, stated that brewers would from this time be allowed to brew beer free of duty, providing that beer were kept apart from any other till October.
When the Kent petition was presented on Monday night by Sir E. KNATCHBULL, Sir FRANCIS BURDETT observed, that he would, On the first open day, call the attention of the House to the Corn-Laws, with a view to get them repealed. He was satisfied that these laws were quite as injurious to country gentlemen as to the rest of the community. Lord Ram RUSSELL brought up, on Thursday, the report of the Corn.. mittee on the St. George's and St. Giles's Select Vestry Bill. Mr. HUME moved, as an amendment, that every rate-payer assessed at 15/. should have a vote. The Bill made 301. the mininum. The amendment was lost, by a division of 67 to 23, Mr. Huarz then moved that no voter should have more than one vote. This amendment, too, was lost ; as also the motion that no voter should have more than three votes. The Bill was read a third time and passed last night.