New Fashions.
No paper is so curious in fashions as the Chronicle, and it is at laud- able pains to illuminate its columns with the most brilliant borrowed lights on this important subject.......
The Last March.
ADDED to the various marches,—the march of intellect, the march of education, the march of mind,—we have just had the March of Summer ; which has come two months before its......
Literary Spectator.
REVIEWER'S TABLE, Geor g e Tompson, Attorneymt.Law, don. Vol. I. Part I. Coventry. \V. R. A. Pettman. 4. Essay on the Doctrine of Types. By Malthus. By the Be;'. J. J. Blunt.......
Philharmonic Concerts.
WE scarcely anticipated such a sudden and delightful change in the ordering of the vocal music of the Philharmonic Concerts as the scheme of Monday last exhibited. Our labours......
The Last Of The Boths.
THE tontine of the Hanoverian demoiselles Born has ended in the marriage of the survivor,—whose name, indeed, seemed incompatible with singleness. Originally there were five of......