Coax ELECTION.—Mr. Newenham resigned the contest for Cork on ti
tenth day, leaving his opponent sixteen ahead. Almost every vote w; polled ; the numbers being, for Callaghan 1171, for Newenham 1155. It . said that this election is liable to challenge, on the ground that Mr. Ca laghan, though not, like his brother, a Government contractor, is one of ti sureties for him in that capacity.
THE MEMBER FOR. CLARE.—O'Connel has addressed a ti editor of the Dublin Pilot, in which, after calling for a meeting of the au' scribers to the Parliamentary Intelligence Office for last Monday, he goes. to say, that all the reduction of taxes afforded to Ireland amounts to abor 30,0001., and that the new stamp-duties alone will add 110,000/. to its bri dens. He recommends renewed agitation, to which he attributes the x moval of the beer-tax in England.
ROCEITES.—Of the six men convicted at Maryborough Assizes fi have received a reprieve. Baker, the man who lost his eye by the pkic man's bayonet, is left for execution.