3 APRIL 1936, Page 1


THE German Note presented to Mr. Eden on Wednes- , day bristles with passages that invite adverse. comment, but embodies a number of proposals which' it is essential to submit to serious examination and make the subject of constructive negotiations. After ten clauses of controversial argument the German Government reaffirms categorically its repudiation of the Treaty of Locarno and rejects every proposal in the Locarno Powers' memorandum, which it regards as inconsistent with full German equality. It condemns the proposed Staff conversations between those Locarno Powers which still honour the treaty and repeats with some extension the earlier offer of non-aggression pacts with France, Belgium and Holland and " with the States on her south-eastern and north-eastern frontiers "- a choice of words which seems deliberately designed to exclude Russia—and also of a western air pact. It contemplates the conclusion of the non-aggression pacts within a period of four months, and undertakes during that time not to reinforce the troops in the Rhineland, provided that France and Belgium "act similarly," and a neutral commission is to watch the execution of the undertaking. Larger negotiations for general disarmament and the solution of economic problems are to follow, Germany having meanwhile rejoined the League of Nations.