3 APRIL 1936, page 2

The General Verdict On The German Note Must Be That

it provides a basis on which negot iations can be continued. It is by no means satisfactory. Germany still maintains that she was entitled to tear up the Treaty of Locum, and......

The So-called White-collared Worker No Longer, Has Any...

of employment than his collarless com- rade ; and the report of the Unemployment . Insurance Statutory Committee to the Minister of Labour .recog- nises that, in this respect,......

A National Surplus The Revenue's Famous " Resiliency " Has

surpassed all expectations. The Chancellor's estimate was exceeded by £18,000,000, and for the first time since 1930-31 revenue was greater than in the previous year ; 1935-6......

The German Elections So Far As The German Election Results

prove anything, they tend to prove a little too much. That Germany is solid behind Herr Hitler when he defies the Treaty of Versailles and makes a coup which removes the one......

Colonies And Emigration There Is No Surer Sign Of Economic

recovery in the Dominions than their willingness to accept immigrants from this country. They have not merely relaxed their opposition to emigration but shown a positive desire......

The Abyssinian Defeats Whether Or No The Italian Armies In

Abyssinia will, as has recently been claimed, be able to carry on active operations during the rains, Marshal Badoglio has beyond shadow of doubt made both furious and......