YOUTH AND WAR [To the Editor of THE SeEcr.seron.] Sin,—In
his article headed " Youth and War," Dr. Raven condemns the policy of the present Government in the follow- ing words-- But when they see a Government given an unequivocal mandate to work for peace and in six months devoting itself almost solely to preparing for war—indeed succeeding in bringing us to the brink of the precipice—" Does Dr. Raven seriously believe that our Government- is responsible in any way either directly or indirectly for the reoccupation of the Rhineland out of which the present crisis has arisen ? If not, what sense is there in saying that the Government has succeeded " in bringing us to the brink of the precipice " ?
• I suppose that by " preparing for war " Dr. Raven-As referring to the proposed strengthening of our armed forces.
• 1t is common ground that this country alone amongst -the great Powers has since the armistice steadily reduced the absolute and relative strength of its armed forces. Not even Dr. Raven would argue that this unilateral disarmament has brought about peace in Europe. The strengthening of our forces at the present time is, in the opinion of many people quite as capable of judging as Dr. Raven, the most effective method of carrying out what he calls the " mandate to work for peace."—Your obedient Servant,