3 APRIL 1936, Page 21


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]

S1R. —One would hope that the recent news of the destruction by bombing of Abyssinia's second largest city. will induce our Government to abandon the compromising policy to which, so far, they have conunitted this country. Politics are for the politicians who are in office ; but the best way out of the shameful and dangerous position into which they have landed us seems to be to inform France and any other hesitating nations of the League forthwith that we will not go on selling petrol to Italy, and that, unless they will join us in this and any other measures needed to carry out effectively our joint pledge under the Covenant, we refuse to stand by Locarno, which was subsidiary to the Covenant and therefore assumed that it was going to be made a reality. This manifest obligation under the League Covenant carried out would do more for world peace and justice than tons of the most ingenious fresh treaties entered into by perjured

nations.—Yours, &c., ARTHUR FLOYD. 46 Downs Court Road, Purley, Surrey.