Mr. E. L. Bulwer has announced, that with the Number
for August he closes his duty US editor of the New Monthly Magazine. The cause of his retirement he thus states in his farewell address--" The pres- sure of public_business has of late so greatly increased, as to oblige me to confine more closely than heretofore the circle of my avocations. During the intervals of rest from the labours of Parliament, I find, too, that somewha of recreation and the culture of the dolce far niente is necessary for that slave the body, whose services the soul may other- wise see a probability of losing."
The Earl of Bristol has been converted from the Protestant to the Catholic faith.
A French Viscount has been detected, in Paris, forging and uttering Bank of England notes to al arge amount. He pretended, when the discovery of the forging implements was made at his lodgings by the Police, that he only meant to use them as a means of destroying English credit in case of another war! His accomplices, however, were in the habit of passing the forged notes at the moneychangers in the Palais Royal. They are all to be tried at the next assizes, and the Bank of England will he the prosecutor.
Mr. Croker has taken his departure for Switzerland, to pay a short Irish to the Marquis of Hertford, who is at present residing at Geneva, Tilie noble Marquis does not intend to return to England during the present year. The Marquis will leave Geneva about the middle of September to proceed to Naples, wherelis Lordship will again spend Amasinter.—DarlyPaper.