There Appears To Have Been Much Enjoyment, And No Distur-
bance of moment, in the French capital during the celebration of the anniversary of the Three Days. The Opposition and Minis- terial journals of course give different accounts......
The Liverpool Bribery Committee Has Made Its Report. It...
the worst that has been stated respecting the corruption of the freemen of that borough. The Committee confined its inquiries into the cir- cumstances attending elections which......
Rumours Of Changes In The Spanish Cabinet, Of The Reirement
of Zza BERMUDEZ, the reaseendancy of the Queen's party, and of decisive interference from that quarter in Don MiGuze's be- half, are prevalent, but unauthenticated.......
An Prirreetrin0 In Parliament.
1. hum CHURCH REFORM. The Report on the Irish Church Temporalities Bill was brought up on Monday, in the House of Lords; and the question being put that it should be received,......
The Emperor Nicholas Has Published Two New Decrees, One For
the more effectual rooting up of the Polish language, the other for making political offences subject to the jurisdiction of courts-mar- tial. It seems that an association for......
News Of The Week.
THE Lords gulped down the Irish Church Bill on Tuesday last. The melancholy resignation of some, and the angry cries and con- tortions of others during the operation, were......
Intelligence Has At Length Arrived Of The Occupation Of...
by the troops of Donna MAR! A. This event took place on the 24th of July. VILLA FLOR, the Duke of Terceira, with 1,500 men, had pushed forward to St. Ubes, about twenty miles......
The Health Of The Queen Of The Belgians Continues Excellent,
as well As that .of the pang Prince. Promotions are making for the celebration of the Four Days ofleptembor. The Russian troops quitted the neighbourhood of Constanti- nople on......