Intelligence has at length arrived of the occupation of Lisbon
by the troops of Donna MAR! A. This event took place on the 24th of July. VILLA FLOR, the Duke of Terceira, with 1,500 men, had pushed forward to St. Ubes, about twenty miles from Lisbon. TELLES JORDAO, at the head of about 6,000 troops, ad- vanced to resist his progress ; but on the 23d, VILLA FLOR at- tacked and completely routed him. On the night of the same day, the Duke de CADAVAL, the Miguelite Governor of Lisbon, evacuated it, with about 4,000 men who composed the garrison. The inhabitants immediately rose en masse, and breaking open the prisons, liberated all the captives. They then proclaimed Donna MARIA, took up arms, and embodied themselves into a national guard. This was done before a single soldier from the army of VILLA FLOR had crossed from the south bank of the Tagus, or one of NAPIER'S ships had been seen within the bar. On the morning of the 24th, a communication was made to VILLA FLOR, who marched. into Lisbon at the head of his troops. The Queen's flag was hoisted on the citadel, and afterwards that of England ; which was saluted with twenty-one guns, and the salute was returned to the Royal standard of Portugal by Admiral PARKER. Deserters from the late garrison of Lisbon, which was flying towards the Douro, were coming over to the Queen. The city was perfectly quiet on the 25th; and NAPIER'S fleet, with PALMELLA on board, was sailing up the Tagus.
There has also been some fighting at Oporto since the arrival of B OURM ONT. On the 25th, about five in the morning, he com- menced operations, and kept up a tremendous fire for some hours. The Miguelites, however, were repulsed at all points, with heavy loss. The news of the capture of Lisbon reached Oporto on the 26th; and on the evening of that day, Don PEDRO took his depar- ture in a steam-boat for the capital. The troops of BO URMO NT were observed to be passing over the South bank of the Douro on the 27th; so it was supposed that he intended to raise the siege.