be court.
THE King, who has been residing at Windsor during the week, arrived , in town on Wednesday, accompanied by Sir Herbert Taylor. The Duke and Duteliess of Gloucester received his Majesty at St. James's Palace. At two o'clock, the usual levee was held, bur the attendance • appears to have been unusually thin. Among those present, were the' Duke of Cleveland, the Earls of Haddington and Mount Edgecumbe, Lords Western and Plunkett, and Messrs. Charles and Robert Grant. His Majesty returned to Windsor in the evening.
The Dutchess of Kent and■the Princess Victoria left Cowes on . Monday last, to pay a visit to the Earl of llchester, at his seat, Sher-' borne, Dersetshire.
The Duke and Hatless of Cutnberland, Prince George, and suite, visited Beulah Spa, Norwood, on Saturday. On this occasion, the' Duke gave a dinner at the hotel, to a large party of Conservatives, in- chiding Sir C. Wetherell, Sir G. Rose, &c.