3 AUGUST 1889, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR OF TUE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—On Saturday afternoon, just about the time that the fleet " dressed " for the Queen's return from her grand- daughter's wedding, any one looking to the west along the Solent might have seen three suns, the real one only slightly obscured by light clouds, and a mock-sun on either side at about thirty degrees distant. A faint circle seemed to unite the two mock-suns, and above, near the zenith, was a very -distinct fragment of an inverted rainbow, curving the other way, but seemingly not touching the fainter circle below. The mock-suns were not true circles, but might be described as bright blurs or sport iridescent light.—I am, Sir, &c., HENRIETTA E. CLAY.

4 Southsea Terrace, Portsmouth, July 29th.