Now, Said Mr. Chamberlain, Whatever The Former Demerits...
Tories might have been, no one could deny that an Old Radical like himself had got real reforms out of this Tory Government, with which a practical man should feel himself very......
At Tipperary, On Monday, Mr. Vesey Fitzgerald And Mr H.
Bruen, Stipendiary Magistrates, resumed the hearing of the charge of assault preferred against Dr. Tanner for spitting at County Inspector Stevens on May 2nd. On that day the......
On Thursday Night, The Adjournment Of The House Was Moved
by Mr. Sexton, in order that the question of the legalitiof the sentence for contempt passed upon Dr. Tanner might be raised. The Petty Sessions Act gives the Justices authority......
On The Irish Question, Too, Lord Randolph Dilated In A,
sense decidedly, though not openly, hostile to the policy of the present Administration. Ireland is to be conciliated by every concession short of the one which the Parnellites......
A Curious Statement Is Made And Denied That The Irish
Bishops have been obliged to interfere with the playing of the game of football in some districts of Ireland. Archbishop Walsh has been interviewed on the subject, and while......
Bank Rate, 28 Per Cent.
New Consols (2D were on Friday 98j to 98i.......
We Are Rendered Anxious By The Recurrence Of Serious Fishing
squabbles between the United States and Great Britain. On July 11th, the Canadian sealing-schooner Black Diamond' was seized by the United States revenue cutter Rush,' in......
Mr. Chamberlain Took The Chair At The Annual Dinner Of
the Liberal Union Club, which was held on Wednesday at the " Ship," Greenwich, and made an admirable speech on the present position of the Union question. He said that the......