3 AUGUST 1895, Page 1


THE final majority of the Unionists in the House of Commons is 152, the Orkney Election, which is certain to issue, as usual, in a Gladstonian choice, being now the only one undetermined. The net Unionist gains from the Glad- stonians are 90, or 180 on a division, and the old Gladstonian majority having been at the Dissolution 28, the majority for the present Government is 180 minus 28, or 152,—much the largest since 1832. 340 Conservatives and 71 Liberal Unionists make up the majority of 411 Members ; 176 Gladstonians, with one more to come from the Orkneys, making 177, 70 Anti-Parnellites and 12 Parnellites, making up altogether an Opposition of 259 Members. This leaves us the majority we named of 152. London alone yields us 51 Conservative and 3 Liberal Unionist Members, while it gives the Gladstoniaus only 8 in all. In the other English boroughs we have 99 Conservatives and 22 Liberal Unionist Members, whilst the Radicals and Anti-Parnellites have only 43. In the English counties we have 142 Conservatives and 27 Liberal Unionist supporters, while the Radicals have only 65. And we have all the 5 English University Members. In Wales we have positively a majority of borough Members,—namely B against 5 Radicals. But the Welsh counties give us only 2 Members, against 17 Radical Members. In Scotland, we have 14 (namely, 6 Conservatives and 8 Liberal Unionists) against 17 Radical borough Members ; while in the Scotch counties we have 12 Conservative and 5 Liberal Unionist Members, against 22 Radicals ; and we have both the University seats. In Ireland, we have only 5 borough Members (3 Conservatives and 2 Liberal Unionists) against 11 of the Irish party (namely, 5 Anti-Parnellites and 6 Parnellites) ; but we have 14 county Members (12 Conservative and 2 Liberal Unionist), against 1 Radical, 64 Anti- Parnellites, and 6 Parnellites. Finally, we have both the Irish University seats. It will be seen that the Liberal Unionists in the new Parliament just outnumber the Anti-Parnellites by 1.