On His Way Through Vienna The Metropolitan Clement, Who Has
been to St. Petersburg with the deputation to the Czar, was interviewed by the editor of the Neue Fret's Presse. He declared that "the grateful feelings which Bulgarians enter-......
The Result Of The General Election Has Proved So Much
more favourable to the Unionist party than the popular majority obtained by adding up the total votes would have warranted us in expecting, that it has excited a good deal of......
The French Press Is Beginning To Grow Uneasy About...
and the Government is being asked to give more explicit information in order to quiet the fears of those who are misled by false and slanderous rumours as to the difficulties......
News Of The Week.
T HE final majority of the Unionists in the House of Commons is 152, the Orkney Election, which is certain to issue, as usual, in a Gladstonian choice, being now the only one......