[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR...] Sine...III the Spectator of July 13th and 20th your corre- spondents suggest that parents are ready to pay for educa- tion, if thereby some advantage can be secured, especially suitable companionship for their children. I know from personal contact with high-class artisans and others, that they would gladly pay school fees if they would thus protect their children from contact with those of worthless or vicious parentage. For these, and these alone, were the Board-schools and free education ever needed in Scotland, and the ease with which school-learning, head-knowledge, is now obtained will be no gain if we thereby decline in the strength of character which grew up under difficulties or in. the high principles which were a prominent feature in our
national character.—I am, Sir, &c., PHCEBE BLYTH. 27 Mansion House Road, Edinburgh.