English Prose: Selections. Edited by Henry Craik. Vol. III. (Mac-
millan and Co.)—Mr. Craik carries on his very useful work in this volume, which takes in the period of the "Seventeenth Century." It should be explained that by this is meant not that the writers represented flourished in this century, but that they were born in it. Bishop Pearson is the earliest representative of the period. He was born in 1612 and died in 1686. The latest is John, Lord Hervey, who was not born till within five years of the end of the century. There are forty-six writers in all from whom selections are made. The editor furnishes a general introduction, and seven of the special "critical introductions" (the seven are Evelyn, Locke, Bentley, Swift, Arbuthnot, Atterbury and Bolingbroke), which are prefixed to the several selections. Among the other contributors are Mr. George Saintsbury (Sir W. Temple, Barrow; Tillotson, South, W. and T. Sherlock, De Mandeville), Canon Overton (Pear- son, Stillingfieet, Ken), while Mr. Courthope takes the important subjects of Dryden, Addison, and Pope.