The Times of Wednesday summarized the Report of Mr. Justice
Rowlatt's Committee on sedition in India. The .Report, whioh-ds unanimous, shows the association of the Bengal seditionists with German plots, the abortive effort to ship arms for conspirators, and the plans for risings, which mere defeated partly by special measures and_partly by the loyalty of. the mass of the people. Mr. Tilak's position is described as having been one of " casuistical apology for assassination." In Madras an outburst of sedition followed the visit of Mr. Bepin Chandra Pal in 1907. The Com- mittee considers that when the special measures in forge at present
have lapsed there should be permanent measures on the lines of the Defence Act. The Indian Slim Feiners—so to call them—are making use of this fair and masterly Report to pretend that the intention of the British Government is 10 destroy personal liberty in India. What they want is liberty to terrorize their fellows.