Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in Chit column doe, not necemarily preclude subsequent review.] TICE AUGUST MONTI:MIDS.—The Nineteenth Oentury has a timely article on " The Greatest ' League of Nations......
Shooting Days.•
A CERTAIN metaphysician recently misanthropically remarked (a propos of Euclid) that it appeared impossible for any book to combine accuracy with intelligibility, still less......
KAREN. * MRS. SIDGWIOIC'S new novel is the story of a high-spirited English girl who marries a German officer of rank before the war, remains in Germany for two years after his......
The Reproduction Of Sound. By Henry Seymour. (w. B....
10s. 6d.)—In the last twenty years the talkingmachine has passed definitely from the stage of an unusually objectionable and blatant toy to that of a musical instrument of......
Ricldable Novel3.—the Lonely Stronghold. By Mrs. Baillie...
Co. 6a.)—A decidedly original story of life in an old "Pale" in the extreme North of England. The author contrives to introduce exciting adventures without their becoming......