3 AUGUST 1929, Page 14


I am tempted to quote from a catalogue the Whiligh entry in the admirably organized forestry exhibit at the Tunbridge Wells Show, which is always sui generis—original, admirably conceived and conducted. I quote it chiefly for pleasure in the quaint English words. Here it is : 1 shimm. 1 beech plough chap.

1 skeleton dung-cart. 1 ditto boster.

1 pair dung-cart rods. 1 ditto plough wrist (worked up).

1 pair cart wheels. 6 oak shingles. 1 box wheel-barrow. 4 oak butts marked out for con- 1 hook harrow. version.

1 field harrow. Quantity oak boards (guar- 1 pair ash hame-woods. tered). 1 pair oak ditto. 1 larch plank. 1 elm nave (turned up). Collection of foresters' tools. 6 oak spokes (worked up). Photographs of forestry opera- 3 ash felloes. tions. 1 ash axle-bed.

How much more valuable British timber would be, if local sawmills were more widely distributed and the example, of this forest more widely followed !

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